Pure - Chapter One- Adam Lambert & Joe Jonas

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Adam Lambert and Joe Jonas! Jodam/Jobert! WARNING! Light smut in later chapters! Plus lots of nice fluff and tender moments too. You've been warned.
Basically, Joe moves out of his parents mansion, and buys his own condo in L.A. Not knowing that Adam Lambert (whom Joe has had a crush on since American Idol) lives there too. They end up meeting in line at the local Starbucks and things progress from there. Enjoy! ;D

Chapter One


April 2010

Joe Jonas paced around his new condo in L.A. nervously. He'd been pacing back and forth in his living room for well over an hour now. He tried to calm down and perched on the edge of the dark gray couch, looking around his pad. But unfortunately there wasn't anything to look at for the sake of distracting himself. He'd just moved in so there were only white walls and unpacked, brown cardboard boxes. 'What a view', he thought to himself sarcastically.

Joe briefly considered unpacking, but his hands were shaking so much that he'd most likely break something if he tried. It wasn't worth the attempt. Grrr... all that he could think about was Adam Fucking Lambert. Even thinking Adam's name to himself made him shiver. Joe couldn't tell if he liked that shiver or not. It would be better not to think about... 'him' at all.

But who was he kidding? Joe had had 'him' on his mind ever since last year on American Idol. Who hadn't? Also, it was harder not to think about someone when you'd met them... and invited said person out to dinner. He gulped nervously. What the hell had he been thinking?

Joe got up and started pacing again without realizing it. He had met 'him' briefly at the Grammy's earlier this year, and they'd chatted a little. Okay, chatting was a major understatement. They'd said less than five words to each other. Or maybe 'he' had only nodded politely in Joe's direction when 'he' had caught his eye once. It was strange, because Joe had secretly put 'him' on a pedestal over the past year, and it was extremely painful to have the person who'd made such a huge impact on Joe, to not really care much at all about him in return.

'Well, why should I mean anything to him, he doesn't know me... yet.' Joe stopped his pacing abruptly, clenching his hands into fists, trying to even out his breathing. God, the only time that he's been this nervous, was the first time that he'd preformed in an arena for the first time.

Joe gasped loudly and jumped when he felt his iPhone vibrate against his thigh. He laughed at himself as he took his iPhone out of his jeans pocket. He'd just gotten a text from Nick reading: r u ok out there all by urself Joe? lol. mom is worried. Joe smiled. Of course mom was worried. He texted back quickly: Yeah, its all good. Except 4 all th zombies that just broke in2 my condo. But don't worry, I'm prepared. lol. tell mom im fine & not 2 worry. Ill call u all 2morrow. bye. Nick had probably wanted to text him for a while, but Joe wasn't really in the mood to talk to him. Nothing against Nick, no! But Nick was the only one that Joe had ever told about his... his... man-crush... on Adam Lambert. Joe felt himself flush and nearly came undone  as he felt deep, overwhelming, shame pool in his stomach. If he talked to Nick before he left, he'd end up telling him everything. And that couldn't happen, not yet anyway. Nick was too understanding. He hadn't condemned Joe or even hinted that he'd end up in hell. Actually, after the shock had passed, Nick had seemed kind of amused by the whole thing. Not in a mean way either. Joe smiled at the memory. But... what would Nick say now?

Joe walked slowly back over to his couch, sinking down into it with a deep sigh, deciding to put all these confusing and shame filled emotions aside until tomorrow. Oddly enough it worked, and he felt a strange peace settle over him. Kinda like the calm before the storm. It wouldn't break until tomorrow.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2010 ⏰

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