Chapter 1

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Friday, 16 October 2015 and the Matthews are still in Philadelphia with Maya and Shawn.
Maya is sitting outside on a bench while the Matthews were just talking aside at a safe distance.
Maya smiled as she saw a boy of seventeen coming along.

"Cory? What are you guys doing here?" Josh asked.
"Came to get this. Our time capsule. But I think you should rather run," Cory said and Maya rolled her eyes.
"Why?" Josh asked as his brother nodded towards a bench.

As Josh looked over his eyes met Maya's blue ones and he couldn't believe she was there.
He hasn't seen her in awhile and now he did see her once again.
He looked at his brother giving him a smile before walking towards Maya.

"Hey, Maya," Josh said.
"Hi, Josh," Maya said and exhaled.
"So, how long did you guys drag the poor girl here for?" Josh asked.
"She volunteered to come along actually. The weekend. Do you think Mom would let us stay there for awhile?" Cory asked.
"You still asking? Goodness, Cory. Mom would love to have you guys there. Let's go," Josh said and stood up.

He held his hand out to help Maya up and gently touched her back as she went past him.
Maya didn't do anything but could feel how her heart dropped a few levels.
She had no idea a boy could make her feel like that but Joshua Matthews was clearly not a regular boy.
Clearly he wasn't but she also wasn't a very normal girl.


"What happened back there at the school? With you and Uncle Josh? You guys were a bit weird. You didn't act freaky around him," Riley said.
"I'm fine," Maya said.
"You're lying. I can tell it. Why won't you just tell him straight to decide what is going on?"

Maya roller her eyes as she put a book down on the bed.
She had no idea what anyone wanted but she knew what she wanted.

"Maya can speak for herself," Josh said and Maya turned around.
"Clearly not around you," Riley said.
"You have something to say to me Maya?" Josh asked and Maya ran past him.
"Thanks, Uncle Josh," Riley said.

Maya immediately ran outside to get some air realizing that Riley isn't far from right.
She sat down on the porch immediately feeling someone throwing a blanket over her shoulders.
When she turned her head she saw that it was Shawn and smiled.

"What am I going to do, Shawn? My life is a mess," Maya said.
"It's not that bad, Kiddo. Josh?" Shawn asked and Maya nod.
"I can't get where I want to be with him. Maybe it's a Matthew thing or something," Maya said.
"Yeah, it is. Ask Topanga or even me. The Matthews aren't easy. Even Cory isn't and we all know Josh is a lot like his brother. Just give it awhile. One day you will be able to have something," Shawn said as he pulled Maya close to him.

She rested her head on his shoulders and immediately she was gone.
Shawn looked over to the young girl which was fast asleep and smiles.
He gives her a kiss on her head before picking her up carrying her to the room.
He showed Riley to be quiet as he placed her on the bed and covered her with a blanket.


"Have any of you seen Maya? I have a lot of explaining to do. She kinda ran off," Josh said.
"Shawn carried her to her room. Think she's sleeping," Topanga said.
"Yeah, she is. Make up your mind with her and get it done with. Maya doesn't like being played with," Shawn said.
"Yeah, it's not like she's the easiest person in the world Shawn," Josh said and Shawn gave Josh a look.
"Josh, I grew up with Eric and Cory. You like riddles. Now I'm warning you since her father isn't here, don't mess with her. She's a good girl. She deserves to be handled like any other girl," Shawn said and was gone.

"Yet again only I get a warning," Josh said causing Topanga to look at him.
"You and your brother are alike. I know how complicated he can be," Topanga said.
"Like you guys are going off me and Maya are the next Cory and Topanga," Josh said suddenly remembering something from long ago.

"The next Cory and Topanga? Yeah, you guys actually are," Cory said.
"Cory, I was joking. Jeez," Josh said and left the room.

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