Chapter 4

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Maya was sitting in History class trying to understand what Cory is trying to teach them having no interest in it at all.
She was pretending to listen while it wasn't much of a surprise why she was doing all of the stuff she was.
She was still trying to figure out how she was going to tell Riley about her father while she had to stay calm.
So far Josh was the only one who actually did know about everything and she didn't want to pressure herself to tell anyone unless she felt 100% safe.
Which she wasn't at the moment.

"Maya!" Cory said causing Maya to look at him.
"Yes?" Maya said but didn't actually pay attention to the fact that the entire class was staring at her.
"I asked you a question but ask again. Where is Alberta?" Cory said.
"Canada. Since when is this Geography?" Maya asked and Riley looked at her best friend.
"Maya, calm down," Riley said.
"I am calm. I just asked a simple question. Thought this was History now I hear it's..."
"Now it's a three hour detention for you, Miss Hart," Cory said and Riley looked at her father.

"Dad.." Riley said.
"No, Riley. If Maya thinks this is one big adventure she'll have to learn the hard way. See you two o'clock," Cory said and Maya sigh.

Recently that has happened a lot in the past two and a half weeks that she hasn't been paying attention to anything Cory or any other of her teachers says and then she gets a detention for the day.
She has gotten at least ten in the last two weeks which is a record even for her.
But what surprises her is that 50% of them have been giving through Cory who usually allows her to just apologize for whatever she did and then let it go which didn't happen for awhile.

It was later the afternoon around two-thirty and Maya was sitting in detention while Cory was marking some old History papers from some tests.
He did look every five minutes over to Maya who was just reading a book.
He looks over to the cover realizing that it is an old love story also known as Nicholas Sparks.

"You know my brother read that book till my mother told him to put it down. A Walk To Remember. Think he was... Your age when he got hold of that book. Just three years ago actually," Cory said making Maya look at him.
"Nice to see you and Josh read the same stuff," Cory said as Maya continued reading the book.
"Okay, enough reading. I want to talk to you. Maya," Cory said holding out his hand as Maya gave him the book which he put on his desk.

"Good. What's going on with you? The typical reader isn't you. You would have stood up on a desk or even have thrown me with some water balloons by now. Here you are reading a love story. Can you tell me what it is or am I gonna have to ask my daughter?" Cory asked and Maya just shook her head.
"How am I supposed to help you, Maya? How do you want that from me?" Cory said and he could see as Maya was at the point of crying.
"Okay," Cory said as he gave Maya's book back which she carefully took.
"Out of here. I'll see you tomorrow for History," Cory said and Maya looked at him.
"Mr Matthews?" Maya asked.
"Go. Think I've punished you enough for one week. Go home," Cory said.
"Thank you, Sir," Maya said as she took her backpack and immediately went out of the school.

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