Chapter 2

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It was early the next morning and Maya woke up.
She did get a scare when she noticed where she was.
How did she even get to bed?
Did she walk to here?

"Uncle Shawn carried you to bed," Riley said and for the first time Maya saw her best friend.
"Oh," Maya said as she rubbed her eyes.
"He took Uncle Josh straight. About how he is treating you. Doesn't seem like you are going to get off heavily. He's right behind you and to get Shawn Hunter on your side..."

Instantly Maya's phone rang and she saw her mother's name.
She didn't know what was going on but was scared about what is going on.

"Mom, everything okay?" Maya asked.
"Hey, Baby Girl. No, everything is not okay. When are you heading home?" Katy asked.
"Tomorrow. What so going on?" Maya asked.
"Social services wants to take you away," Katy said and Maya froze.
"W... What? Why?" Maya asked.
"I'll explain when you are home," Katy said.
"Um... Okay I'll see you then, bye," Maya said and pushed the phone dead trying to not sound too weird.

"Everything okay, Peaches?" Riley asked and Maya smiled.
"Yeah, just some trouble at work that's all. Nothing out of the ordinary," Maya said.
"Okay," Riley said and the door opened.
"Ah, you guys are awake. Your father wants to talk to you, Riley," Josh said.
"Okay," Riley said and went out of the room.

"Do you mind if I talk to you for a second?" Josh asked.
"Now's not a good time," Maya said.
"Maya we have to talk at some point. Shawn is going to keep on pestering until we..."
"They want to take me away from my mom," Maya said and exhaled.

Suddenly Josh had no idea what to say and Maya clearly had no idea why she said that.

"I'm so sorry. I..."
"It's okay. Just take a breathe," Josh said and walked towards Maya.
"Nobody is taking you away. They won't succeed, I promise you. Okay?" Josh said and Maya nod her head before he pulled her in close.
"Everything is going to be okay," Josh said as tears runned across Maya's cheeks.

Feeling him close to her at that second was all she needed to eventually calm down.
Her heart was beating extremely fast but in a good way.
It wasn't because of how she was going to get him close to her but because she was in his arms at that moment not sure what is next.

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