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"So, basically you can time travel" came the gravelly voice with the familiar Australian twang that had never really warn off since moving to England.
"But that's impossible" replied the boy thinking his father was playing a cruel joke on him.
The father and son sat on their plush ruby coloured lounge suite in their spacious and beautiful living room. The crackle of a small fire in the fire place, the warm breeze floating in through the windows, even the calming soft noise of the crystal chandelier gently swaying above their heads were all welcoming aspects of the room.
"No, it's not" came the gravelly voice again. "Our whole family can do it, ever since time itself began"
"Okay" replied the boy skeptically, "Why tell me now?"
"Because" replied the obvious father, "You are getting older and therefore your gifts are becoming more apparent, you should be able to start using them."
"But I'm only fifteen"
"Yeah well I started to exhibit certain "behaviours" when I was your age so I thought I should tell you"
"Well...alright then" replied the boy "What do I do now?
"Well I found it easier to figure it all out independently when I was your age so I think you should do the same"
His father wasn't very good with conversations with his son, so when the talk was almost over he signalled it was, by standing up. "Oh and one more thing", the father said.
The boy looked up at him intently. "You mustn't tell people about your gift, it hasn't worked for our family in the past", "Just wait for the right person, whom you love, to come along so you can tell them"
"And son", the father looked down at his own you man, a strong roar of a flame that was once there in his eyes starting to ebb away, and said with finality, "Do not get yourself hurt, and do not hurt those around you". Then he walked away leaving a face of puzzlement plastered on his sons face.

Three days before
The universe has a funny way of making people feel stupid for what they have done. One minute he liked her, the next he didn't want to talk to her, and then finally when they realised it was time for them to part, she was the only thing he could think of. She would be the first thing he thought of when he woke up in the morning, and the last thing he thought of when he went to sleep at night. And all throughout the day, all he could think of was of how much he wanted her back. Each day at school, he would look over at where she would sit. And as soon as they made eye contact, for that split second, time seemed to stop. And he got to look at her. Her deep brown eyes, that seemed to go on forever, a maze of beauty, curiosity, open mindedness and life. Her cute smile, radiant skin, nose, blonde hair that seemed to flow like a perfect, untouched waterfall down her back and her perfectly imperfect body. And then just as the instant would begin, a familiar mocking finger click would snap him out of his reverie.
"Ahh hello, Earth to Felix" laughed Cade. "You should probably close your mouth before your drool attracts flies." Felix self consciously wiped his mouth, even though there was nothing there.
"You need to try getting over her dude," said Nathan, Felix's other best friend, "It's never gonna happen again."
"I know," Felix replied, shoulders slumped
"It sucks dude", Nathan replied, patting Felix on his back sympathetically." "But you'll get there"
"Anyway, instead of you being such a buzzkill", cut in Cade, "Let's go get some canteen food, my shout?"
Felix grinned a little bit, "Yeah sure, why not?"
Felix, Cade, and Nathan all walked off to get some food, while the girl with blonde hair and brown eyes looked longingly at the guy she knew she would never get over.

Hey people, this is my first attempt at writing something on wattpad and it would be really great if I could get some feedback on my story and if you guys want another part in it. Please follow, like, comment, message me, anything you want and it would be awesome.
Cheers guys

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