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Derek POV

I wake up to the wailing sound of a baby, falling off the couch as Stiles scrambles up to go see whats wrong, I grumble and stand up glaring at the crying bundle of not so much joy as Stiles coo's at it and rocks it gently in his arms "Derek go warm up a bottle for me" Stiles says looking over at me, I frown and head to the kitchen to get a bottle heating it up for a few seconds before taking it over to him, he tests it on his wrist before putting it into the babies mouth instantly shutting up the noise it was making "sorry Derek, you can go back to sleep"

I shook my head and sat down watching Stiles, it was strange watching him, he had a soft smile on his face as he gently rocked the baby feeding her despite how tired he looked, I frowned and got up walking over to him" you're tired"

He raised an eyebrow at me and chuckled "so are you, but the baby needs feeding I can sleep after" I frowned watching him feed the baby staying near him, he cooed at the baby as it gurgled the last drops of milk in the teet before he leaned it up against his shoulder rubbing it's back "get me a nappy if you're not going to sleep yet"

I frown but do as he says going to get a nappy from the bag, he cooed and chuckled as the baby burped against him before laying her down and changing her then settling her back into sleep and rejoining me on the couch where I placed myself "you need to sleep" I mumbled to him and he rolled his eyes at me

"I'm going to but it's like morning and breakfast is needed and the baby stuff will arrive soon so we will need to set that up then you can nap on the bed while I look after the baby some more because you need to sleep to, I'll probably call Lydia or Erica and they will probably help with the...." I clamped my hand over his mouth and sigh

"Go to sleep" I give him a low growl pushing him down on the couch "you need to sleep just as much if not more then I do" he just stared up at me silently nodding his head slowly and I quickly retreat my hands and get up walking away from him, he remained lay down but he didn't go back to sleep

It was a few hours when a knock on the door and the baby stuff was delivered, Stiles had fallen asleep and so I got it all in myself, shooting the pack a text to get here ASAP because I had no idea what goes where and I didn't want to wake Stiles up

When the pack arrived, the girls where cooing over the baby with Lydia and Erica occasionally stating where things go while me and Boyd set up the crib at the bottom of the bed and the rest ran around placing things everywhere, I flinched as Erica stopped cooing and propped herself at the end of the bed and spoke "why did you decide to keep the baby" she asked and I heard Scott chuckle from the kitchen

"I didn't" I mumbled and glanced over at Stiles "not exactly on my own terms" she followed my gaze to Stiles as I noticed a smirk cross her face "don't even say it" I practically growled as she opened her mouth

She shrugged and got up giving Boyd a kiss on the cheek before inspecting the boys handy work "you know this isn't a safe place for a baby right, well for now but next month or so she could be crawling and then it wont be safe with all the things she could get into you need a proper place Derek" Lydia stated

I nodded and frowned looking over at Stiles as he woke up, his eyes widened as he scanned around at the pack and the baby stuff a huge grin spreading on his lips "how long was I asleep for" he mumbled rubbing his eyes

"A good 4 hours" I said and he just blinked at me before quickly getting up and looking at the baby beaming at her "I'll go make something to eat" heading to the kitchen after the very small nod of stiles

"Are you jealous" Scott said narrowing his eyes at me so I frowned "there is a slight hint of jealousy coming from you, why don't you just tell him Derek"

"Tell who what" Erica said with a smirk

"Derek likes Stiles and won't tell him" I groaned and growled at Scott to shut up

"I knew it!" She said a little to load and I shushed her before making food for me and Stiles and the pack since they are here

Stiles had just sat down to eat when Daisy started crying, abandoning the food I made he got back up and went to her, I frowned and got up to follow the pack gaping since there was one rule with wolves and food and that was the Alpha ate first "she ok?" I said with a frown

Stiles was cooing at the baby and smiled up at me after he settled her into light murmurs "She's fine, babies can't talk so they cry go and eat the pack are waiting"

I frowned "that includes you" he tilted his head slightly and smiled walking back to the table, everyone stared as I followed in sitting back down, all eyes where on Stiles and Daisy as he cradled her and everyone started eating after me and Stiles did

After the pack left Stiles was persistent that I tried bonding with the tiny trickster taking her in my arms I was just frowning at the small bundle it only wiping away at the sound of Stiles chuckle, I looked at him and cocked an eyebrow at him "you are like a walking amusement with her" he chuckled bringing the bottle over to me and showed me how to feed her, It's not like I wanted to do this but the closeness it brought Stiles to me just made me want it to never end and for at least two weeks it didn't the only time he wasn't stuck to the baby and my hip was when he was asleep in my bed after a huge discussion about it being my bed and I should be the one to sleep there leading to me picking him up, dropping him onto the bed and pulling the blanket over him and threatening to rip his throat out if he tried to get out as I slept on the couch

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