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Derek's PoV

We decided to take the house and a few weeks later the payments where finalised, we are keeping the loft to for any important pack business to keep it separated from home, Stiles idea and right now was killing me because starting tomorrow he won't be in my bed anymore, I won't have him to hold, I was sat in the bed watching him pace and wave his arms as he expressed how worried and excited he was for tomorrow, "Stiles" I said with a frown he froze and looked at me a frown etching on his features as he stares at me "come to bed"

"What but, ok" he said as I stared at him, he climbed into the bed and I sighed "you ok sourwolf?"

"Yeah" I mumbled, usually I'd wait for him to sleep but he didn't look ready to sleep even if he was tired so I just wrapped my arms around him and lay down with him making him the little spoon "go to sleep" I nuzzled my face into the back of his neck

"Good night Der" Stiles whispered, I just about heard before falling asleep, and we quite happily remained there until the pack barged in the following morning "oh my god can't you all be quiet" Stiles grumbled out he had turned around during the night and buried his face in my chest

Lydia had a smirk on her face when she went and picked Daisy from the crib "let's go make your grumpy daddies some food shell we" Daisy seemed quite happy and content being carried away with Lydia to the kitchen area the rest of the pack just gaping at me and Stiles so I pulled the blanket over our heads and went back to sleep

The pack are here to help move everything to the new house, and me and Stiles didn't want to wake up "I don't want to get up" Stiles mumbled against my chest and I just chuckled "can we stay here Der"

"No, we have a house to move into today but you can go back to bed after everything is in the house" I said back to him, groaning as Erica pulled back the covers with a grin on her face "what"

"Well as you said lover boy its time to get up you have a house to move into" Stiles had turned to lazily glare at Erica he head on my chest "get up before I drag you both out of the bed"

"Fine in ten mintues" Stiles mumbled and tried to bury himself in my chest, those ten minutes didn't happen since we both found ourselves on the floor glaring up at one very satisfied Erica

"Fine we are up" I grumbled sitting up with Stiles straddled in my lap, as he just leaned his head on my shoulder "if I have to get up you have to aswell" poking Stiles in the side earning a squeak of surprise

A smirk crossed my face as Stiles glared at me "oh no, no no Derek" he let out another squeal as I tickled him until he got up darting away from me and hiding behind Scott as the pack just looked amused

I got up and headed to the kitchen taking Daisy from Lydia as she made food heading back in the main area and to the small bathroom to get Daisy ready, after everyone had eaten and me and Stiles got ready, me and the pack started putting stuff in the van while Stiles and Lydia sat with Daisy, I didn't want to admit to the jealousy that crossed my face as Lydia and stiles laughed together while playing with Daisy "you know he likes you to Derek" Isaac said as he placed a hand on my shoulder as we carried Daisy's crib down

"He's right Derek you really should tell him" Scott butted in and I sighed

"Do you all know" I grumbled with a frown and they all nodded

"All of us except Stiles" Erica piped in "he thinks you hate him and only want him around for Daisy" she added

"I don't hate him" I grunted with a frown before we all got Stiles stuff from his house after some protest that he didn't need his stuff at my house and having to remind him it was ours once again before his dad stepped in and got him to agree, we still had a few things to order but they can wait.

Stiles was stood bye the door saying bye to everyone once we had everything packed in the house, I had Daisy sat on my hip watching, they all already said their byes to her, once the door shut Stiles spun on his heels before a smirk xrossed his lips seeing Daisy once again pulling on my beard "she's totally going to bully you when she's older"

I smiled seeing his smile "I think I'll be fine if I have my saviour" he grinned detaching Daisys hands from pulling out any more "thank you"

He just smiled and stepped around me "let's go mark our home and make some food" he coo's to Daisy heading to the kitchen, Scott's right I need to tell him

A/N: sorry been kinda writers block still kinda am so heres a short update please enjoy 😦

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