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Stiles POV

It became normal as the days went by to seeing Derek curled up with Daisy asleep on the bed as his wolf, Daisy was either gurgling away to herself or asleep with Derek and I'd make dinner then wait in the kitchen and wait for him to shift back, it's liturally been 3 days of doing this and I got use to this rouitine, I'd wake him up and wait in the kitchen while he changed back, only today was friday and the pack were coming so I had to wake him up first and I really didn't want to do that, I stood with my lips pursed, Daisy was also asleep and Derek was curled around her his tail wrapped by her side protectively so I took a quick snap picture before walking over to them and stroking my fingers through Dereks fur like I have all week "Der" I whispered gently, he ears flickered over so slightly and I rolled my eyes "Derek come on you need to get up" there was a small growl of complaint and I huffed picking Daisy up and putting her in her crib then I get on the bed sitting next to Derek poking at him "Don't growl at me sour wolf it's pack night and it's time to get up" he lifted his head looked at me and just as I thought he was going to get up he turned around and dropped his whole ass wolf body onto of me with his head facing away from me "oh my god Derek!" I gave up trying to get him to wake up, Daisy was asleep anyways and it was kinda comfy with him lay on me, I looked towards the door as I heard a knock "It's open" I was expecting the pack to come in raising my eyebrows at the sight of Derek's uncle "oh it's you"

He put his hand over his chest in mock hurt "That's not very delightful, now I thought I would have at least got a smile when coming to see how my nephew is doing, specially after finding out he has a child" I rolled my eyes and pulled on Derek's fur, Peter may have gotten better but I didn't trust him just yet "I see he's asleep, I just take a look at" A low growl cut his words off and I could feel Derek growling while on top of me "oh come on Derek I'm not going to hurt her I just want a look"

I'm impressed Derek sat up and still in wolf form managed to do his famous Hale glare, Peter backed up quite a few steps and I held back a small noise of complaint as Derek's warmth left me as he jumped off the bed, Peter had turned around waving his hand as he went into the kitchen and I looked at Derek just as he shifted back "what are you doing here Pet..." he turned and looked at me and if I wasn't to busy staring at the rest of him with a bright red face I'm pretty sure he was blushing to, I'm not sure anyone could have missed the laugh Peter let out, I didn't take my eyes off Derek as he stumbled in his movements to get clothes on, I don't think I could remove my eyes even if I tried, and my god he really is like a Greek god a wonderful piece of art and I totally regret not walking out of the kitchen the last few times he changed

"I think you broke the human" I heard Peter say as my eyes remained on Derek who was just glaring at Peter, he was chuckling again "I came to see how my nephew is doing, Is that such a bad thing"

"It is when it's you" Peter rolled his eyes "Stiles" My head snapped up to look at Derek's face "need a drink?"

I slowly nodded biting my lip and Derek and Peter went into the kitchen, then the door opened and it clicked to me of cause the knock wasn't the pack, the never knock "hey Stiles" the greeted, Erica and Scott smirked "why so red Batman"

I opened and closed my mouth trying to form words but I'm still in the state of shock, my eyes darting to Derek as he comes back out the kitchen with Peter trailed behind who was still smirking at Derek, only he frowned when he realised none of the two cups in Derek's hand was for him "here" Derek said handing me a cup of coffee

I wrapped my fingers around the cup taking a sip, as I heard Peter again chuckle at my inability to stop my face from burning red, "what happened to Stiles" Scott asked

"Derek broke the human" Peter answered as Derek just scowled at him, I drank the coffee trying to shake the image from my mind as Derek sat beside my on the bed, I looked at him and smiled but I could still only see his full on naked body in my mind

"I'm fine" I scowled at Peter who just smirked, I looked at Derek he didn't seemed concerned but still slightly embarrassed "so pack night" I continued swinging my legs off the bed to sit up better drinking the rest of my coffee "so what are we watching"

"Not starwars" was the first thing we heard causing me and Derek to laugh, if I wasn't watching star wars a few months back I probably wouldn't have found daisy that night

Derek got up picking Daisy from her crib as she started whimpering "hey big girl look who's home" he coo'd bringing her over to me I smiled taking daisy as Derek took the cup from me "Peter for your unsurprising visit you can go get the food"

the rest of the pack after watching Derek hand Daisy to me had battled their way to the movie collection to pick out a movie and maybe also to avoid Peters deciding stares "fine but I'll take the two younger delinquents to help me carry it pointing out Isaac and Liam who just scowled at him

"I'm not the next youngest Erica is" Isaac complained as he followed after Peter with Liam, I gave Scott a question look as he went into the kitchen after Derek and the pack seemed to have gone for Fantastic Beasts collection with the promise of at least one or two harry potter movies, usually we have the whole weekend but me and Derek are going to view some houses tomorrow so today is the only pack night this month

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