Chapter 26 - The Rescuers

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The Parade of the Unfaithful had only been a phrase uttered by Uth Arthgrin and nothing more. Exile had been the slap in the face. As they shackled Aerham's arms and feet and loaded him in the iron cage on back of the wagon, he realized just how severe the month-long humiliation might turn out to be. He was to be dragged across Saroken and Minogradia, unshaven and unwashed, wearing the same soiled white shirt and pants, and fed only beef broth. The tale of his betrayal and insubordination, the version Uth Garenthil had composed so eloquently, would be read at each town and his family name and honor would be cast down. The Brotherhood of Light would remain untarnished in reputation, of course. When it was all over, he would be escorted into the Faraway Hills and left to die at the hands of the cruel hanarans or worse. Then the Brotherhood could continue their traditions of lies, rape, and probably worse.

Aerham still felt like a hole had been torn through his chest over the deaths of his father and betrothed, but they were just another part of the nightmare of his perfect life turned upside down. Yet, the incident in the dungeons on the previous day had inspired him. Ravyneira had sent him a messenger of some sort; though he had to admit that he did not understand the message. He kept the silver band tucked beneath his shirt, and it comforted him to know it was there against his flesh.

His shoulder had healed a great deal, which was fortunate since they had stopped giving him fresh bandages several days earlier. He had full use of both arms now, though the wound was still tender. He had feared that his wound would become infected or be very slow to heal because of his unsanitary living conditions and poor diet; yet it seemed to have healed faster than a normal wound. His perception of time was distorted, though. Although, being shackled and imprisoned had allowed for plenty of rest, as well.

Uth Garenthil had been tasked to escort the parade. From his irritated look, Aerham calculated it was his punishment for causing the whole mess, as they saw it; small price compared to Aerham's punishment. Uth Arthgrin probably didn't trust anyone else to carry out the unjust deed, either. The cowardly Uth Garenthil had donned his shining plate armor and lion banners once again, but he wasn't leading an army this time.

Their small procession left the Fortress of Light on an overcast morning. Uth Garenthil and two bannermen rode at the lead, followed by six mounted soldiers in yellow tunics and chain mail hauberks. Aerham's cage wagon and a wagon loaded with supplies came last. No one traveled on foot, since they wanted to make the best time possible spreading their version of the truth. And their version of the truth had evolved quickly. Uth Garenthil had captured the Erinyrian spy Aerham Hathaen after he had betrayed his own father to the enemy. It was outrageous, but Aerham knew he could endure it. He would stand proudly while the commoners cast scorn upon him. He served a higher power than mortal men; the goddess Ravyneira had shown him she was aware of the injustice. Darkies had come from the Darkland and she had sent a messenger to defend him. The blue woman could have been Ravyneira herself, as crazy as it seemed.

By midday, the procession had arrived in Arnich. The bannermen rode through town announcing the Parade of the Unfaithful and encouraged the townsfolk to come hear Uth Garenthil recount his heroics against the Erinyrian invasion. The iron cage was a full head higher than Aerham, so he stood with ease. He felt like one of the beasts in a traveling carnival he had seen so long ago, and when he heard what the bannermen shouted to the town, he had to resist calling out that it was all lies. He would maintain his dignity.

The citizens of Arnich seemed indifferent for the most part. Undoubtedly, many of them knew the depth of Uth Garenthil's courage and had decided to work rather than listen to his blather. The townsfolk who passed did cast disdainful looks at Aerham. The bannermen encouraged them to go home and get rotten vegetables to throw at him.

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