✰Introduction and Rules✰

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>> Rule No. 1:

Be patient and polite. Any rude remarks or disturbances during the award by any particpant or judge is not at all acceptable in our community. The participant or Judge can get disqualify for this.

>> Rule No. 2:

Mature contents are acceptable but only with a certain theme or plot.

>>Rule No. 3:

Your work should be your OWN.

>>Rule No. 4:

Respect all the judges because they're working day and night, so that your books can get recognition. I won't tolerate anyone criticizing or bashing them in the comment box or in pm because that would not only disqualify you but also we will blacklist you from our community which means, you won't be able to render our any service or participate in any future contests or awards, held by us.

>> Rule No. 5:

You can argue with your judge if you think he/she has cut unnecessary points but that should remain a healthy debate or argument and not attacking deliberately.

(Because, I persornally love argaing. You should love, too.)

>> Rule No. 6:

If you think that you've not got a fair chance to win or you being eliminated was something unfair or the judge has eliminated you due to some past enemity then pm me. Though, I trust my team but only to be clear on both the sides, your book will be going through a thorough re- check again, by me.

>> Rule No. 7:

Enter only if you can handle criticism, which I'm sure anyone would be able to.

>> Rule No. 8:

Follow BlueStarCommunity and your respected judge under whom you'll be
there. Because, that's the least you can do. Until and unless followed, you won't receive acceptance to partcipate.

>> Rule No.9:

Add this book to your reading list and share a word about this to your friends.

Add this book to your reading list and share a word about this to your friends

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Blue Star Icy Award 2019- 20 [Closed]Where stories live. Discover now