A Messy Love Story, Ep 7, Prt 3

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You wake up the next morning, but you don't feel like sleep came well to you at all. You sit up grudgingly, your body still not used to the new environment you were put in.

You look towards the other girls and is surprised that Eli is already up, while Janise is still snoring beneath the sheets. You can hear her shuffling in the bathroom as you assume that she's getting ready. 

Already knowing you won't get anymore sleep, you throw your legs over the edge of the bed, slinking off. You yawn into your hand as Eli comes out from the bathroom, a crimson towel covering her body.

"Didn't know you woke up this early." She says as she heads to one of the walk in closets.

"Yeah... I don't think I'll be getting used to this place anytime soon."

"Well try to. This business doesn't slow down for anybody. You always have to be on guard."

You clock your head as she walks into the closet, closing the stripped door behind her.

"Is that why you woke up this early?"

"I always have to look my best darling. Its the only way you won't embarrass yourself on national television."

You yawn once more, nodding. You take the opportunity to slip in the bathroom, splashing cold water over your face. You still feel like this experience is surreal, like it might disappear if you think too hard about it. You glance at your face one more time, reassuring yourself that you won't mess up in front of all those cameras.


"Alright ladies, we're going to start the cameras in about 5 minutes. You performance yesterday was... mediocre at best. Not you Eli, the cameras loved you." One of the directors says as Eli flaunts her hair over her shoulder. You, Janise, and Eli sit on a porcelain white sofa, the abundant amount of cameras still trained on you from every angle. 

"So, if any of you want to grab a quick snack before we start rolling, you probably should do it now."

"Wait, wait!" Janise stops him,

"What if we don't finish the food before the show starts?"

"What if we don't finish the food before the show starts?"

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"Hmm... then throw it out?"


"Alright, go get your tummies filled and come back in 5 sharp."

You sigh, the  relentless tugging in your gut not soothing once you stare straight into the black lens of the cameras in front of you. You don't know when you're going to get used it.

You walk up to the snack table as long as the others and gap at the impressive display of fruits and bagels sitting in arrays. You grab a bagel and take a strawberry  cream cheese.

"Hello there." You jump so much that your bagel accidentally falls from your grip.

"Oh shit, sorry! I didn't mean to startle you." You turn to see that its Cameron, decked out in his tech uniform. 

"Oh no, its completely fine. I don't know why I got that scared." You laugh.

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