Part 1:

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I always thought books turned off boys but apparently, they don't.

"Aye, yo mama, what else do you want in your hands, aye." The boy with the backward baseball hat called out to me.

"Your head." I started with a dead serious glare.

The boy's eyes widened and turned as red as blood. But he still had the nerve in him to continue.

"You know I could report you for threatening me," He narrowed his eyes at me.

"You know I could do the same," I stood up and glared at him.

"But I am th-"

"I really don't care about who is or how much money your Daddy makes," I tramped closer to him "I just know that I don't like you and you won't be getting thing besides a big, black eye if you keep talking," I flared through my gritted teeth.

The creep ran away leaving me alone at a bus stop in a new town. The cold air bit my lips but I had my blue jacket on so I felt warmer. Although my long hair provided some warmth, it was also incredibly dry and itched my neck. My black leggings seemed invisible in the dark but my backpack furiously stood out amongst the dark night.

I pulled out my phone, opened my google docs, and started writing. Nobody was at the bus stop with me. It was late at night and I know it's not safe for a girl my age to be walking around at this time of night but I could care less. I instead focus on my writing, most of the time I have no idea what I'm writing, I just know it is terrible but nobody will read it so I don't have a problem with that.

"We were scared. Scared of the monsters that lived under our bed, the demons that can come in our safest hour and hurt us. That the monsters will come out and hurt us. But as we grew, we realized that we created that monster. Nobody told us to be scared of them. We just, subconsciously, designed our demon. Nobody else told us to be if our monster that red lips or if it had jaws like a shark but we just knew. Because we knew our monster better than anyone"

The screech of the bus halted in front of me. The bus driver looked me up and down to check if I was going to cause havoc on his bus. As I walked on the bus I checked around for people. An old woman who was knitting, a middle-age man looking out the window, and a couple people in the back.

I took a seat close to the front of the bus and I took out my book, The Fault in Our Stars. The cover smells like coffee. That's what I loved about books from other cities. They each smell like different things. As if someone stayed up late nights just to finish this book. The librarian suggested it to me and it looked like an interesting book. From what I have read, I really like the book.

"Okay," An outside voice sang.

"Okay," I replied without a thought.

That was Gus and Hazel's special word.

I turn blood red and face the guy who said the very special word.

I looked up and see the biggest natural smile I have ever seen and the pinkest lips I know. He wore dark blue glasses that complemented his dark eyes. He had longish hair that had been ruffled around a lot. He was taller than me and had long arms and a long neck. His eyes were planted on mine. They had this certain warmth to them. Almost like a campfire or a jacket on a cold day.

I should probably say something before it gets awkward.

"That was probably the most well-thought catcall I've ever heard," I said, my eyes gaped.

"Oh, I didn't mean that as in a catcall," He defended himself, "I mean, you are really, really, really, pretty," He said, gradually increasing the volume with every "really", "but I just meant that as an opening sentence. Not to like, disrespect you or anything bu-"

"It's okay, it's okay, " I cut him off before he could continue to run himself down this spiral.

I believed his innocence. Maybe it's because of his cuddly eyes but he truly didn't mean to bother me. He just wanted to talk to me and I guess the book was a way to start it.

"Thank you. That is very nice and all, but..." I was lost for words.

I normally have an excuse for something about being a lesbian or having a fake boyfriend. But he didn't deserve a lie. Maybe it was his warm eyes or the way he talked but he deserves the truth.

"I am in love with Agustus Waters," I blurted. Realizing how stupid I sound when I say that.

"Really?" His eyes cocked up to meet mine.

"What do you like about him?" His eyes sparkled into mine.

I laugh at his question, "Why are you interested?" I leaned in, in a childish way.

"Well, I am interested in this boy you love," He shrugged innocently,

"Who can resist a guy who uses the word "soliloquy" correctly?" I asked.

"If your heart is taken now I can understand why you aren't captivated by this charm?" He said gesturing himself.

"Charm is a heavy word for it," I gave him a look.

I went back to reading Fault in Our Stars hoping that he would take a hint but he stayed. Not in a creepy way but in a comforting way. I enjoyed the comfort, even if it was from a stranger.

"But by the time you are finished with the book and you realize that you need someone in real life that you want to talk to, then can I have your number."

He may be charming. But his fruity voice can't steal my heart. I, Maria Rosalina Corazon, am not that easy. I am definitely not the most simple. If he wants me, he wants to work for me. Not like the annoying sodoku puzzles that on the Sunday paper but like writing a book. It is a challenge, but it is fun. Anyways, he looks like a great guy but I can't...

"Nope," I grinned mischievously, "I am definitely not THAT easy."

"Okay," he backed off, "Can I ever see you again?"

"Maybe you will, maybe you won't," I stood up and shrugged.

I walked, no strut, out of the bus. I looked back at his face, filled with disbelief.

"Are you sure you should be walking alone at this time at night?" The bus driver asked.

I gave her a look, "I know how to take care of myself,"

"Whatever you say, Missy," She put her hands up, "You be safe."

"You too!" I smiled and waved.

I run my hands through my hair and laugh at myself a little bit. I got off at the wrong stop.

But I was high off the dopamine in my blood to even worry.

I had a feeling I was going to like this town. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 14, 2020 ⏰

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