Going Hunting!

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"I'm really going to do this? Oh my, I really am!" I mumbled to myself as I continued to traipse through the dark woods.

"Would you shut up already?! I'm sure they can hear you in Antarctica!" My older brother, Jack, hisses at me from a few feet in front of me.

I glared at the back of his head but kept my mouth shut as we went. In all honesty I didn't think my mumbling would hurt anything seeing as how we sounded like a herd of elephants. Neither of us had gone vampire hunting before but many of the men in our village had on several occasions, returning with stories of bravery and bloodshed. Most of the teenagers we knew were more interested in who they were going to marry and how many babies. But not Jack and I.

No, we wanted to have adventures and explore the world. It was often the reason we would wind up in trouble, our ma and pa scolding us or whipping us for meddling in things they thought we had no business with. However, even those things didn't deter us from what we really wanted, which was how we found ourselves thrashing through the woods in the middle of the night. 

Jack crouched down behind a large boulder and waited for me to join him before he spoke.

"Okay, hand me the bag," he instructed which I obliged.

He dumped the contents on the ground and stared for a moment before looking back up at me with a stunned expression. 

"What's wrong?" I asked, worry lacing my voice.

"This is what you brought?!" Jack hissed incredulously. "Jenny, we are going against real vampires not… I don't know what this crap is for."

I looked down at the collection of items. There was ma's silver necklace, a jar of fresh garlic powder, a flask of water, and a pointy stick. All of these things were supposed to hurt vampires. Weren't they?

Before I could speak, Jack's eyes grew wide with terror as he looked at something behind me. That was the last thing I remembered before I woke up in a hole, buried under the soil and hungry for blood.


A/N: I wrote this for the Paranormal Prompt Challenge for prompt #50.

2000 characters based on a picture prompt of a vampire infestation kit.

Also, the results have not been announced for this prompt yet but I wrote this a couple of weeks ago and decided it was okay to go ahead and add it here.

I'll let you know if it wins!

What do you guys think of the story?

Thanks for reading!❣

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