The Bar

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You couldn't believe that in less than 24 hours, you were going to see and hear the 7 guys that had gotten you through school, an ugly breakup and backstabbing "friends." Just breathing the same air as BTS was going to be so effing amazing. You squealed and did a little happy dance.

"Are you alright?" Megan laughed.

"I'm just so freakin happy! I graduated AND I'm seeing my babies in concert! I honestly don't know which is better," you giggled.

Your big sister shook her head at you. "First of all, law school with top honors is fucking fantastic. And second, those are not babies. Those are eight... and I quote... fine ... as ... fuck ... grown ... ass ... men!" She punctuated each word as she wagged her head, imitating you.

"Seven!" you corrected her.

"Don't interrupt while I'm on a roll," she flipped her hair dramatically before putting on lip gloss and blowing herself a kiss in the mirror. This spa weekend was your sister's birthday present from her awesome husband. The BTS concert was your present to yourself.

"Thanks again for going with me, even if you don't know who they are! You're the bestest!" you said as you gave her a hug. She was like a second mom and best friend, all rolled into one. You didn't have any friends that were ARMY, and no regular friends willing to spend $300 on a band they didn't follow. But you could always count on your sister.

You both grabbed your phones and headed out of your hotel room toward the elevators. The hall was wide and elegant, plush carpet absorbing all the sound, definitely the fanciest hotel you had ever been in. You had to use your key card to get off the elevator, so you could only get off on the floor where your room was. So no stalking the other floors. You secretly hoped BTS would stay here, but there were tons of super nice hotels in Dallas, so the odds were slim. And you're 3 times more likely to run into a celebrity if you are NOT a fan. It didn't matter though. You were just happy to have gotten concert tickets!

The cocktail lounge was moderately busy. The stools at the bar were all taken, so you and Megan were led to a two-top toward the back. There was two other couples, one middle-aged who looked like they had long ago run out of things to say to each other. The other couple was eye fucking each other, with lots of lip biting and smirking. You rolled your eyes.

A bank of floor to ceiling glass gave a magical view of the twinkling city lights. In contrast, there was a table by the window, so ordinary, covered in plates and glasses, obviously a large party that was having a great time. It was mostly empty, except for two guys with their backs toward you. The hostess seated you with your back to the beautiful window, but hey, this was your sister's birthday present. You were just along for the ride.

Megan ordered a flight of scotches for you both to share. The five shot glasses sat neatly in a row, nestled in their beautiful polished wood tray, a card with each that gave the name, year it was made and particular qualities to note. You could have slammed back a tequila shot, but sipping scotch did give you a mature flair. After 3 years of being in the local lawyers' bourbon club (required if you wanted a decent job), you could bullshit all day about nose and legs, and whether it's herbal or oaky or peaty or smoky.

Needless to say, you could handle your liquor. Megan could too, thankfully. She was uninhibited enough in her natural state. She made friends wherever she went. You weren't shy; you just didn't talk to posts like your sister.

"Oh my gosh, you saved my ass that night! You were the coolest six year old."

"And the look on your date's face when he fell in my window. I just stuffed my big teddy bear down on top of him. And when Mom came in to see what the noise was, I told her there was a monster in my closet. I could hear you giggling under the bed, so I started crying to cover up your laughing."

Fantasy IRL - BTS [21+] COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now