The Car

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You watched as all the guys stood, except Taehyung, who was counting out hundreds onto the table. "I'm so glad this is the last meal I have to buy. You fuckers ate $1300 worth tonight."

Hobi ruffled his hair. "Until the next bet, Taehyungie!"

Tae pulled away from Hobi, scrunching his face and trying to fix his hair. He caught your eye and dropped his head, looking embarrassed. Then his eyes popped open as his hand covered his mouth.
"Sorry about the language," he murmured to you in his low voice as he gave a slight dip of his head.

You had fallen into his dark chocolate eyes and you couldn't get up. Help! You finally shook your head and muttered, "No worries. I've heard worse." You laughed nervously. "I've probably said worse."

Why did you say that?! Taehyung was a sensitive soul and he's going to think you were disgusting. Thankfully, his eyebrow lifted and his eyes twinkled, like you had bonded over that shared knowledge.

You were trailing behind Hobi, with Taehyung bringing up the rear as you left. You could see Joon's lavender hair above the crowd as they headed towards the elevator. Then you realized that Kim Taehyung himself, voted sexiest man on the planet, was walking behind you, hopefully NOT watching your ass. How were you going to survive this?! JK was holding the doors back, so you followed the line into the elevator. Jimin scanned his keycard and the elevator began its descent to the lobby.

"Hey,I'm Namjoon," he said reaching out to shake my hand.

"Y/N," you replied as your hand met his. It was warm and strong. His smile was so genuine. And there were his dimples again.

The guys went around saying their given names, not their stage names. So they obviously saw this as "off the clock" time. You were glad you hadn't intruded on their down time. You hoped you wouldn't.

"So what kind of run is this? Medicine? Snacks?" You paused for a second. "Beer?"

Jin perked up. "How did you know?" His windshield wiper laugh filled the tight space.

You all spilled out into the lobby and headed toward the valet station.

"Wait! Is everybody going?" you blurted out when you realized all 7 of them were still there.

"Isn't there room for all of us?" Hoseok asked.

"Well... yes... I just didn't think it was going to be ... I don't know... exciting enough for everyone to come along," you laughed.

Namjoon explained, "Nobody was ready to head to our rooms. It seems really early to us, with the time difference."

An older gentleman in a hotel uniform approached the desk and you handed him the valet ticket. He handed you the key fob and as you were thanking him, Jungkook snatched the fob from your hand.

 He handed you the key fob and as you were thanking him, Jungkook snatched the fob from your hand

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"I'm driving!" he grinned over his shoulder. The guys took off after him. Caught up in their giddy excitement, you called out, "Shotgun!" But it was half a second slower than Jimin, who stuck his tongue out at you like a 10 year old. You shoved him lightly with your shoulder.

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