The Unboxing

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"I like a nice ass myself. Can't wait to leave my mark on all three of you tonight."

"Princess!" Jimin's face lit up when he saw me enter the room. "I'm so happy you came back. Look forward to a special night." His eye-smile was so genuine, the bit of lingering trepidation melted away. He held out two wine glasses. "Red or white?"

"White, thank you," you smiled back at him. He gave Yoongi the red without asking and handed you the glass of pale liquid.

"It's my favorite," Taehyung murmured in his deep voice, picking up a glass. "It's light and sweet."

You smiled up at him as you went to sip it. His big brown eyes were earnest. A ghost of a smile lurked around his perfect lips. "Like I imagine you taste. I can't wait."

It was all you could do not choke on the wine you were swallowing. The nervousness was back full force. Excitement was more accurate, like when the lap bar clamps in place on the roller coaster. Your stomach clenched in anticipation and your core clenched with want. You decided right then and there, that you were going to make the most of this amazing opportunity to fuck 3 of the most gorgeous men on the planet. No holding back. No regrets.

You looked from Taehyung to Jimin to Yoongi. Was this really happening?

"This is really happening," Yoongi nodded. Wait... did you say that out loud?

"If you're still ok with it," Jimin added with concern. He cocked his head and lifted an eyebrow. "Do... you... consent?" His smirk was sexy as hell.

"I dooo consent," you purred back.

Yoongi slipped his free hand in yours and tugged. "Let's go play, then. Bring both bottles," he told Tae and Jimin.
The four of you made your way into the bedroom of the suite, taking you back to earlier when the younger two had teased you. Your thong was a mess after you having been wet so many times in the past few hours. You weren't about to let one of them peel you out of it.

"Who's up for a shower? This morning was a long time ago. Airplane air always makes my skin feel gross."

"We all got showers right before dinner, but we don't want you to get lonely in there by yourself," Jimin responded.

"I'll hurry. Keep your clothes on. I want to unwrap my presents." You pointed at them one by one. "And we may need a plan. Who's the orgy master?"

"There's only four of us. So technically, this isn't an orgy. Has to be 5 or more," Taehyung stated.

"Clearly, you are more qualified than me with your PhD in sexology," you chuckled. "I'll be right back."

You shut the bathroom door, turned on the shower and started searching for the complimentary shower cap. You just needed a quick rinse off. You quickly shucked your clothes, cringing at your pitifully wet thong.

After a quick shower, you felt clean and refreshed and ready for whatever happened tonight. Your hair seemed to have survived just fine. You spotted a bottle of lotion on the counter, reminding you how dry your skin felt.
You wrapped the towel around you, cracked the door and held the bottle out through the opening. "Can I use some of this?"

"Only if I rub it on you myself," was Jimin's answer.

You grinned at him. "That's a win win." You closed the door, just to gather your thoughts. It was intimidating to think of them undressing you. Clothes were out of the question. Should you wrap up in the towel? Nope. You wanted to go on your own terms. You hung the towel up and gave yourself a pep talk in the mirror. "You're fucking gorgeous. Go get yourself some dick!"

Fantasy IRL - BTS [21+] COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now