What in the world is that?

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Kenny: Dude are you out of your mind? First you want to egg the principal's car and now you want to break in the school at night?

Joe: Dan dared me to do that. He was saying i will agree that you are a daring person if you can spend the night at our school and record the classrooms.

Kenny: You basically want to pull this off because of a stupid dare?

Joe: To show iam a daring person, yeah!

Kenny: and why should i come with you?

Joe: cause you are my cousin bro c'mon. You got to have my back right?

Kenny: No no man this is stupid.. really stupid. I have a bad feeling about this.

Joe: Look if you come with me, then i can convince Alissa to come with us too, and Megan as well.

Kenny: Look you cann- wait a minute, you can convince her?

Joe: HA! Gotcha, i knew you have a crush on her.

Kenny: Hey it's not that...but-

Joe: But nothing. You should have agreed to come with me because iam your cousin, not because of some girl man..

Kenny: Hey! I didn't agree yet.

Joe: You have to bro, like your cousin is going, the girl you have been crushing on since a child is going.. you have to come!

Kenny: I did not have a crush on her when we were kids, but the main topic is...it's not safe to go there man.

Joe: It's just a school.. i know it's a crime but trust me no one will know..

Kenny: It's not that, i have a feeling that something will go wrong.. and it's not because iam pessimistic.. it's like.. i dont know man.

Joe: Give it a rest bro, now come lets play some FIFA shall we?

Kenny: let's have lunch first?

Joe: Alright let's go downstairs.

*3 hours later*

*Joe is walking with Kenny back to his home and on their way-*

Kenny: I miss my mom you know... I wish she was still around.

Joe: i know.. me too.. Aunty was one kindest soul i have ever met.

Kenny: My dad wants to marry his girlfriend now.. and wants to move out of Colton and shift to Lovoco city.

Joe: I see... I think uncle wants to best for his family you know... He has been pretty lone-

Kenny: It's not that.. it's that i dont want to leave Colton.. i really don't..
This place has been my everything.. too many memories.

Joe: I understand bro..

Kenny: So will Alissa come with us to break in our school?

Joe: She is already in. I already convinced her, even Megan will come.

Kenny: Wow you were able to convince them... Now that's something.

Joe: Well yeah i did. We will do the raid on Monday night. Since Tuesday is a government holiday.

Kenny: Alright then..sounds cool to me.

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