Part Three

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The next week seemed to pass all too quickly.

I tried not to analyse too closely why exactly my heart got a little heavier with every passing day.

My life wasn't a fucking romcom, and I certainly wouldn't be the protagonist if it was. I was just... enjoying my life for a. brief moment, and when this all inevitably came to an end I would miss the new friend more than anything else.

My finger ran over the mood ring that still sat on my thumb. Red.

I still hadn't learnt what all the colours meant.

I stuffed my hand in my pocket to stop myself staring at it, and that was when I felt my fingers brush against small pieces of paper. A small huff of laughter left my lips.

Elliot had gotten back into the habit of giving me origami stars, sometimes more than one at a time, usually I'd find them littering my pockets after I had gotten home from spending the day at his. I probably had a collection of about thirteen by now and I was keeping them all in a jar in my bedroom at this point.

My phone buzzed in my pocket, distracting me from my thoughts.

Elliot: So I arranged to meet Cas, but now I'm super goddamn nervous?

Elliot: I don't want to be over eager and make her uncomfortable?

Elliot: But I miss her friendship so much, and I just wish more than anything that I could have that back?

Elliot: I think I actually reek of desperation.

He was sending messages almost faster than I could read them.

Me: Calm down. Breathe.

Elliot: I can't

Elliot: What if I fuck this up?

Me: You're not going to fuck this up

Me: she already agreed to meet you. You've done the hard part now

Elliot: No I haven't?

Me: Do you want me to come over to yours before you meet her?

Elliot: Can't you just come with me? It would be so much easier with you there

A flood of warmth invaded my chest, and I stomped it away.

Me: That would not be easier.

Me: You've got this

Me: You guys were like best friends, once your face to face again the rest will fade away

Elliot: What if I do something stupid like confess my undying love to her?

Me: Are you going to do that?

Elliot: I don't know? Maybe? That's what I did last time and then she broke up with me

Me: Well start with smaller stuff, and see if you slide it in there naturally

Elliot: You're the worst and absolutely no help whatsoever

Me: Never claimed I would be

Elliot: Ugh, why did I let you talk me into this? I was so happy just ignoring all of my problems

Me: You're welcome

Me: Text me if you feel like you're going to confess to her again, and I'll talk you down from the edge.

A Short Guide On Love (Soon To Be Deleted) Where stories live. Discover now