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Nat you have a meeting call in twenty! You yell as you walk in to Davids room where him and Natalie have been discussing ideas.

Thank you baby She puckers her lips for you to kiss after receiving the water bottle she had kindly asked you for.

Honestly y/n I dont know how you do it, to be her girlfriend and her assistant at the same time, do you even have some dignity?

Shut up You and Natalie laugh as she shoves him playfully.

Youll be okay? Gotta buy the tickets for chicago Natalie sighs into your hand that is on her cheek and kisses it, nodding to answer your question.

Dont miss me too much! She yells as you exit the room, making you smile and blow her a kiss before plopping down beside Taylor.

Hey uh, Jack said we should come up with potential pop ups Natalie and Dave could go to together You nodded at her before going back to your laptop where you checked out the flight tickets, sighing in relief when that weight was lifted off your shoulders

You spent the next half hour brainstorming with Taylor before returning to Davids room and assisting Natalie with her meeting, looking up things, taking notes, etcétera.

It was only when she hung up that she groanedand threw herself on you, kissing your lips before wandering to the bathroom.

Can you order us food baby?

Of course bub, come out to the living room when youre done

She yelled a quick okayy before you sat on the couch and postmated something for the both of you.

You ate together like the loving, adorable couple you were, between kisses, thank you mami of course bub and i love yous. At this point your friends werent surprised at all, it was refreshing really, to see you two so young and so in love, endearing.

She had to film a few things with David for her channel and your job was practically done for the day, so you just sat on the couch, watching her laugh and blush at the jokes your friends made.

At some point, you fell asleep waiting for her, your foot on Todds lap while he watched something you didnt really care about with Matt and Carly. You were exhausted, Natalie and you had stayed up late last night even though the two of you had to be up and ready early today, but you would do it all over again and so would she.

She noticed your knocked out self two seconds in the house, immediately pushing Todd away to lay between you and the couch, she didnt notice and neither did you because, you were asleep of course. But, while she lovingly whispered nicknames to you trying to wake you up, and kissing your face and lips softly, your friend filmed the both of you, silently cooing.

Baby, im done. We can go now Her hand was now under your shirt, rubbing at your waist and back considering you were laying sideways.

I dont wanna You groan and push your face deeper into her neck as she laughs softly, kissing your temple before sighing in content and slipping into a light slumber, enough for her to rest and dream, but not too much to the point she could react if you needed her or something happened.

You woke up to the absence of your lover, her whisper-yells making way to your ears from outside were she moved her hands openly and big towards Todd and his face. You hissed when she punched his shoulder and kept bickering, laughing when you focused on his little boy-caught red handed face. Deciding to know what all the fuss was about, you slide on her slippers and walk outside.

Hey..whats wrong?

Why didnt you think!- Baby.. I didnt mean to wake you

Its okay You walk over to where she stood, wrapping your arms around her and laying your head on her shoulder.

Wanna tell her whats wrong, Todd? Your girlfriends eyebrows were raised towards your friend who stared at the both of you apologetically.

I..I posted a video of you two on the couch earlier

Wh- Bub thats no big deal! We cuddle all the time on camera Letting out a laugh you pinch Natalies waist before cautiously looking back at Todd.. is it?

Actually.. I didnt realize at the time bit I accidentally recorded when Natalie was kissing your face- but only because it was really cute! I had no other intentions!

So they know? You stare at your girlfriend, tight lipped as she nodded carefully. Well, what are you gonna do about it bub?


No! Come on, you said you wanted to tell them soon, now you dont have to, just say some quick words and thats all, whats the worst that can happen?

She sighed, knowing you were right and nodded, grabbing your hand and leading you towards the podcast room, not before flipping Toddy off and yelling a quick im still pissed!

Natalie breathes once in the room, thinking over what she will say.

Hey, bub, its just something quick for them to know you know you giggle placing your hand over hers.

Now more confident, she nods and presses the instagram icon on her phone. She leans her phone on a candle as she begins to record for her story, her hands take yours and she scooches closer to you, inhaling deeply to concentrate.

Hey guys She smiles By now, a lot of you have seen the video Toddy posted of us on his storyWe just wanted to confirm all of it, Y/n and I have been dating for almost a year now. We were going to tell you guys just not like this and probably not now.

She blanks for a moment, and you make note to cut that out before letting her post it. Squeezing her hand and smiling at her, you look at the device thats recording to two of you.

We want you all to know that were very happy together and we hope you respect our relationship and our decision to tell you until now Your words bring her back from her trance and she nods at your statement, kissing your cheek before waving at her phone.

Bye guys


I love you Natalie smiles at you, not stopping the recording, but neither of you cared because what was happening between you two was way more important.

You stared at her lovingly, partly in shock because it was the first time she had said she loved you, and soon, you too.

Really? A kiddy smile adorned your face at the same time your shoulders slumped comfortably.

She nodded in response, rubbing your noses together before pecking your lips, only for you to pull away, eyes watery by all the emotions encountered.

I love you You whisper back before leaning in and kissing her passionately..

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