Chapter 2

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The dark started to fade into light as he laid on the cold, hard ground. His eyes fluttered open slowly as he began to push himself up and look around, "Wh...Where am I?" He questioned out loud. Looking around, he couldn't tell what was happening as every thing seemed all blurred to his eyes. He caught sight of someone close to him. He crawled over to them on his hands and knees pausing when he saw blurred colours that would make a galaxy. His vision started to clear...

"What?! I absorbed him?" Turns out the being he was seeing was Galaxy Steve. But how? Illusion felt so confused. He had absorbed him, how had he been split and.. now that he thinks about it, where in the Steve Realm is he? Is he even in the Steve Realm now? His head hurt and he felt so confused.

Illusion heard a soft groan from Galaxy, noticing the Steve had just awoken and was now slowly sitting up with a hand pressed to his head, " head." Galaxy spoke softly, before looking around and seeing Illusion. There was silence, but Galaxy recognised the energy as when he creates a Steve, it leaves his residual energy around them for a while, "Illusion?" He asks, knowing Illusion's name.

"Yes, yes, that's my name." Illusion rolled his eyes. He then suddenly started freaking out, "Wait how did I not pay attention, what's wrong with your body?! Why aren't you all square? What are those on your hands?!" Galaxy paused, before speaking, "I can ask you the same thing."

Illusion looked at his hands, freaking out more, "What the heck?! What is going on?! Why do I look like this?!?!" Galaxy reached forward and place a a gentle hand on Illusions shoulder, which made the young Steve look to him, "Hey, hey, calm down, we can figure it out together can we not." Illusion took a deep breath, "Let's just..get up and get moving."

Both Steve's stood up, they brushed the residual dust and dirt off of themselves, noticing it was dark out and there was hardly any people outside, so no wonder nobody has seen them yet. Illusion begins walking in a certain direction, Galaxy followed close behind, feeling like it would he a good idea to follow him and to not get lost in the middle of nowhere.

They walked down the street, feeling their arms and legs bend when they walked, it felt really weird but they didn't mind it, as long as they could get away from where they had woken up and meet someone, that was all that mattered at this exact moment in time.


A few hours had gone by, the two Steve's were growing tired and it was starting to grow light outside. As Illusion kept walking he heard a thud behind him. He stopped and turned around, seeing Galaxy on the ground looking very woozy, "Galaxy..?" "T..Too tired.." Galaxy said to Illusion, before everything became dark. Galaxy became so tired he passed out.

Illusion panicked for a moment, then he calmed himself and picked Galaxy up, "I need to find a place for us to hide.." He began to head forward again, soon seeing a dark space between two buildings. He rushed into it, going near the back and sitting down in a corner, holding Galaxy close to keep him warm. He felt very tired, but due to being made by Galaxy with the duty to keep him happy, he felt like he had to stay awake to watch him and make sure nothing would happen that would make him unhappy.

The night dragged on.


By the time the morning came fully Illusion was practically passing out. Galaxy snored softly, both didn't know about echoes, so the soft sound echoed out of the space between the two buildings.

Someone was silently walking down after they had heard the snores, wondering who or what could be in the dark of the space between the two houses. They saw someone sitting in the corner with someone on their lap. They approached, seeing the person who was sitting suddenly grow alert and hold the sleeping person closer.

"Hey..hey..I'm not here to hurt you." The person spoke calmly.

Illusion calmed a little, but grew confused, he recognised the voice, "Who are you?" The person spoke to him, "I..I could as you the same thing." The person's eyes widened, "" They seemed to recognise him, "Answer me!" Illusion demanded, waking Galaxy who rubbed his eyes, "What...what's going on Illusion?" Galaxy asked.

The person heard the other voice and it all came together in their mind, "So that's why your voices are familiar...Illusion Steve, Galaxy Steve." They both looked to the person, "My name is Elan, but my friends, and enemies of the Steve Realm, call me Sabre."

"...What?!" Illusion yelled, surprise filling his entire being.

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