Leo !

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Meanwhile . One of Leopold's sailors sees something .

Sailor #2 : Over there ! I see a wake ! It's the orca ! It's attacking again !

Leopold : All hands on deck ! Full speed ahead ! Hurry up !

But the so-called mammal was bubbling .

Sailor #2 : Huh ?

Leopold : What a weird prca ! I don't see a dorsal fin .

It was nothing other than Professor Van Kraken's bathyscaphe .

Sailor #2 : It's not the orca !

Leopold : It's Van Kraken's bathyscaphe !

Then , surprise ! Dina opened the hatch .

Dina : Leo !

Dina jumped aboard the fishing boat .

Leopold : Dina ?! But what are doing here ?!

Pamela : Hello there !

Dina : Are you okay ? You were hurt !

Leopold : But do you have any idea of the risks you took ?

Dina : Hey ! Listen who's talking ! I'm not the one who went to sea , braving the angry orca , you idiot ! You should have listened to other people's warnings ! Your disobedience had dragged you there ! Look at what an awful state you're in !

Dina pricked him wound with her index finger .

Leopold : Ouch !

She gave him a hug .

Dina : Oh , Poldy ! Did i hurt you ? You know i got carried away because i was scared !

Leopold : Sardina....

Dina kissed Leopold's cheek . Nicky pulled her head out through the bathyscaphe hatch .

Nicky : Excuse me , guys ! But what was happened here ?

Leopold : The lone orca had attacked us, directly ... she wanted to make us all fall , but , there were only three of us falling ... while I was swimming towards the nets , I heard the others screaming ... I hadn't seen what was happening to one of the three of us , Marco ...

In the laboratory , boredom sets in . Violet was watching the radar , Colette was reading a (yaoi) manga and Paulina was doing some little drawings .

Paulina : You see anything , Vi ?

Violet : No , nothing .

Immediately something appeared on the radar screen .

Violet : I see something on the screen ! She's headed for Pamela and Nicky ! I must quickly warn them right away !

At sea , Nicky and Pamela questioned the fishermen . Eddy is the most sensitive on this boat , he was always traumatized .

Eddy : This beast is not normal ... it was swimming far too fast for a normal orca .... there was something different on it .... and then ... I saw ...

Violet : Pam ! Nicky ! Do you heard me ? Something is coming !

But it was too late , the Daimon strikes again . And this time , everyone was falling overboard . In the water , Pamela and Nicky see the Daimon .

PamNick : 《 A Daimon ! 》

The two girls go back to the surface , they manage to go back on board the bathyscaphe .

Pamela : Nicky , your magic pencil .

Nicky : Yes , there it is ! Let's transform !

Pamela : Okay !

Nicky : Hyper Nicky !

Pamela : Dynamic Pamela !

PamNick : Let's go !

The two friends metamorphose .

Hyper : The greenish nature of Oceania , i'm Hyper Nicky !

Dynamic : The force of Africa , i'm Dynamic Pamela !

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