Season 3 Episode 4 - Secret

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Negan and Lilly and Simon and Dwight and a few other trusted Saviours are in the meeting room

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Negan and Lilly and Simon and Dwight and a few other trusted Saviours are in the meeting room. Simon says "Something needs to be done about Rick and the others" and Lilly nods and says "I agree with Simon, it's time we showed those inbreed freaks who they are dealing with" Negan smiles at Lilly. A Saviour bursts inside the meeting room and Negan says loudly "What are my rules?! Not to interrupt my meetings!" The Saviour looks down and says "I'm sorry Negan but you have to see this" Negan and Lilly share a glance.

Negan and Simon and Lilly and the Saviour are in a dorm room and are looking down at Mike's dead body

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Negan and Simon and Lilly and the Saviour are in a dorm room and are looking down at Mike's dead body. Negan clenches his jaw as his grip around Lucille tightens and he says "What is this?! What happened?!" The Saviour shrugs his shoulders and says "I don't know Sir, I came in here looking for you and I found Mike" and Negan looks at the Saviour and nods and says "Alright Toby you can go now" and Toby nods and walks off. Negan deeply sighs and Simon says "By the look of his corpse this was recent...who would kill Mike?" Lilly nervously looks at Negan and Negan says "I don't know Si but I know one thing for sure whoever done this is gonna pay".

Troy is pacing up and down in his dorm room when Lilly walks in and she slams the door shut and Troy asks "Where have you been?" Lilly says "With my Dad and Simon, they found Mike's body" Troy deeply sighs and says "What I done to Mike it had to h...

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Troy is pacing up and down in his dorm room when Lilly walks in and she slams the door shut and Troy asks "Where have you been?" Lilly says "With my Dad and Simon, they found Mike's body" Troy deeply sighs and says "What I done to Mike it had to want to keep us a secret, I protected our secret" Lilly says "Yeah cause if Negan found out about us, he would torture you to death" Troy says "I can handle myself" Lilly shakes her head and says "My Dad is dangerous, if you're smart you will keep on his good side..because of you I had to lie to him and he's one man I hate lying to" Troy places his hands on Lilly's shoulders and says "I'm sorry what happened but there was a cause Babe" Lilly nods and Troy says "Listen I've been thinking we could run away" Lilly furrows her eyebrows in confusion "What?" Troy says "Yeah you, me and Jason and Meghan" and Lilly looks shocked at her Boyfriend.


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