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I went to the occult research clubroom. When I got there I noticed Rias doing paperwork.

Y/N: "hey Rias."

She looks up at you and smiles.

Rias: "hello Y/N. to what do I owe the pleasure?"

Y/N: "I wanted to ask you about your evil piece system."

Rias: "that's right I never explained it to you. Well I'm a king piece, Akeno is my queen, gasper and Asia are bishops, kiba and xenovia are my knights, Koneko is a rook, and issei is all my pawns. I only have a rook piece left I was  going to use it on you if you accepted my invitation to join my peerage but unfortunately you would die if you became a devil."

Y/N: "so like a chess board."

Rias: "why do you ask?"

Y/N: "well as you know I hold the balance sacred gear and the angel of redemption azazel told me that I should be able to not only utilize the devils evil piece system but the members would be able to be human, angel, fallen angel, or even devil because of my sacred gear should I get a peerage it would be balanced between the factions."

Rias: "I see... i bet my brother might be able to grant you a set of pieces. I'll ask him."

Y/N: "thank you Rias."

Rias: "you know that if you do get your own set of pieces you can probably enter rating games."

Y/N: "if that's the case then we both know who will win that fight."

Rias/Y/N: "me."

We both end up laughing.

Time skip

I returned to my trailer and all the leaders of the factions where there.

Y/N: "hey everyone. To what do I owe the pleasure."

Sirzechs: "I'm here to give you these. Rias said you where asking about them and azazel and Michael both think that even though you're not a devil you can use them to create your own peerage."

Y/N: "awesome!!! Thank you so much. I really do appreciate it. Now I just gotta find people to join me..." scratching chin.

Michael: "well it is theatrical but because you're sacred gear has some of gods essence you might be able to go to other earths."

Y/N: "really? That's neat. Maybe I'll give it a try sometime."

Azazel: "of course nobody knows how to do that so you're going to need to figure that out yourself."

Michael: "as a token of friendship I the archangel Michael offer you one of my cards from my deck should she accept my ace can join your peerage."

Azazel: "I'd offer you one of my cards but you wouldn't like them... perhaps..."

Y/N: "perhaps?"

Azazel: "perhaps you could resurrect Raynare?"

Y/N: "the fallen angel who killed Issei and played with his emotions and killed Asia before Rias resurrected them both and killed her? That Raynare?"

Azazel: "the very same. You are the angel of redemption are you not? Don't you believe that she can redeem herself if she was given the chance? Your ancestor was the first fallen angel and because of his actions the Great War started but because of his actions the war also ended. Maybe Raynare could prove herself."

Y/N: "alright I'll do it but I'll discuss this with Rias and issei first before I do anything. She did kill issei and played with his head."

Azazel: "alright in that case I'll bring what's left of her here tomorrow. You can decide then."

Y/N: "thank you azazel."

Time skip a few hours

I was working on my truck again when I hear footsteps. I look up to see who was here and rias and sona where there.

Y/N: "hey girls. It's not every day that you both come visit together. To what do I owe the pleasure?"

Rias: "my brother told us he gave you your pieces."

Y/N: "yeah. He did and Michael offered me his ace should she accept a place in my peerage. Witch reminds me." I go to wash my hands. "Azazel also offered me a fallen angel to resurrect to join my peerage."

Sona: "who would that be?"

Y/N: "well it's the one that killed Issei."

Rias: "what!!! Raynare? Why would you even consider resurrecting her? She killed Issei and Asia!!"

Y/N: "your right... azazel made a good argument about her joining me. Because I'm the angel of redemption I should give her a chance as my ancestor could be redeemed from his mistakes why can't she. I told him I'd talk to you about it before I did anything."

Rias: "I appreciate that Y/N. as much as I don't like it perhaps she could be redeemed. But if you're wrong..."

Y/N: "then I'll fix the mistake. Everyone deserves a second chance. Even Raynare. Becides I believe she did what she did out of fear more than ambition."

Sona: "I suppose you could use the lasso on her and find out for sure."

Y/N: "ah yes that reminds me... Michael thinks I might be able to cross to others earths in different realities. Perhaps I can find my pieces that way."

Sona: "that could give you a significant edge in the rating games."

Y/N: "I'll give it a try tomorrow after school. Maybe I'll bring someone along."

Time skip occult research clubroom next day.

Rias: "so are you all set?"

Y/N: "yeah I'm all set. So issei? Feel like jumping threw the multiverse?"

Issei: "hell yeah!!! There might be a world with nothing but girls!!!!!"

Y/N: "maybe this isn't such a good idea."

Rias: "issei if you're going you better behave."

Issei: "right sorry Rias."

Y/N: "alright take my hand. We can't lose contact otherwise you might get lost."

He grabs my hand.

Nobodys POV

Y/N: "alright jumping in 3... 2... 1."

Y/N and issei disappeared into a flash of light.

(A/N: hey everyone. I'm planning on doing a new book for each member of the peerage and the events leading to the next chapter as time flows different in other worlds for example the next chapter is only a few hours from Rias's point of view but to Y/N and issei it could be weeks or months or even a year. So how about a little vote on the first world to visit. This current story will continue as usual except the next chapter soon.

Vote for the following worlds.

DC universe.

Marvel universe.

Shimoneta. (Because I think it could be funny seeing how Issei and Ayame interact with each other.)

The devil is a part timer

Thoes are the first three as I have a few characters in mind already however I am open to suggestions for other words. Keep in mind I have only recently got into watching anime so I still haven't seen a lot of the popular shows yet so I'm not entirely familiar with particular characters yet. Perhaps in the future.

(The vote will close in a week from today Friday 14 2020.) vote for first world Y/N visits for my next book is closed.

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