I'm bored [R]

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^Clairo - Hello (feat. Rejjie Snow)^
"Are you into me, like I'm into you?"

I've done all the welcoming my nice personality can handle. Something to know about me. I am a nice person, but my niceness is like a jar full of cookies at my house: It only lasts for so long. Then you have the mean 'can only be calmed down by a hug from her friends' me. Or time alone. That works too. Another thing to know about me: I can be a social person when I want to, but I need time alone to recharge my nice personality. You ever had that bsf that annoys the heck out of you, and you don't know why you even put up with it anymore but for good company? I had a few of those at my old school. And at my current school too. But I have a question.

Why do all the boys that I have ever had a crush on always get girlfriends?

Like is fate just messing with me? 'Cause that's really cruel, Fate. Can't you help a girl out? Just once? If you don't do it for me then do it for the people in the comment section who you obviously don't hate as much.
Well, that was my first rant so you guys can get a feel of it. In case you didn't notice, I'm all over the place. Don't be alarmed, just try to follow along and I'll do my part by attempting to make it as understandable as possible. Key word: attempting.
I won't be doing sign in's or sign off's for this book because I honestly feel like that's doing too much.

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