Sneak Peek: (The Blood Phoenix 4: An Avengers: Assemble Fan-Fiction)

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I awoke. It was the cold steel that made me open my eyes. I was laying on a rickety metal bed. Last time I checked, I was in hospital. In a coma. Where am I exactly? I thought. My hand was touching the cold steel and that's what woke me. Looking around, I saw white walls. Great. Just great. I'm in prison, I thought. There was almost nothing metal except the small window in the wall. I tried to move, but a sharp jolt of electricity prevented me from doing so. Reaching, braving the electric shocks, I touched my neck to feel a collar. They were metal and apparently, it was inhibiting my powers. Sitting up, grimacing from the shocks, I saw white on my back. White wings. The shock of it almost made me scream. But I was soon shocked by electricity again. Looking around once more, the door to my right opened. It creaked horribly on its hinges and what followed was a pounding of boots. A man in a white lab coat, a guard and another man in a military suit came up to me. The guard came with a meagre portion of food for me. Placing the plate in my lap, he stepped back to allow the man in the camouflage/military suit to come up to me.

'Where the hell am I?' I demanded.

'No need for all that disrespect. Welcome to HYDRA.'

The Blood Phoenix 4: An X-Men: Dark Phoenix FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now