The Girl With The Gun - Chapter Nine

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The Girl With The Gun - Chapter Nine

I growled under my breath as I read the text, slamming my phone down onto the poor coffee table in annoyance. (The coffee table was hit a lot.) I was here, with my favorite food in front of me along with The Hunger Games and Aaron wanted to ruin my life by saying that I needed to make up my mind and then go over to England before the month ended - which was in fact tomorrow. Oh, how thoughtful the idiot was...

My sarcastic thoughts were interrupted by another beeping tone. Another text?! The little, annoying, idiotic, selfish, bastar- Sorry, I'll stop now.

I checked the damn thing that was stopping me watch my favorite movie. It was Aaron again, saying 'I changed my mind, do it now.'  I pressed the call button from the anger running through me, knowing it would be best to verbally be angry with him rather than smashing the screen of my phone with angry texting. Notice how I keep using the word 'anger' or 'angry'?

Beep, beep, bee- "Oh, hello, darling~! I believe you got my texts?" He said, in his usual annoying bubbly attitude. Not that bubbly people were annoying - he just was. Harsh? Maybe.

"Maybe... Anyway, how exactly do you expect me to go to England by tomorrow?! I probably won't get a flight let alone finish packing in time!" I ranted, hugging a sofa cushion. Yes, I hug sofa cushions when I'm stressed. Problem? No? Good.

"We can make arrangements if you're having trouble~!" He replied, I could almost imagine the stupid grin on his stupid face. Grrrr.

"What kind of arrangements?" I said, suspicious of what he meant, now slightly calmed down. No wonder Aaron called me 'hot headed'. Not that I was agreeing with the idiot! I mean, I was normally a calm person. Right? Right?!

I heard him laugh. Did he just laugh at me? Oh Hell no! "Reaper, calm down, I mean transport. What did you think I was referring to?" He said, amusement lacing his words.

"N-nothing. Nothing! Yep, nothing at all!" I said nervously, adding a short, fake little 'ha ha ha' to the end. Although, I obviously didn't fool him. I guess he was smarter then he looked. I'm not stereotyping blondes, I swear!

"Right... Okay, get packing and I'll give you the details in a few hours! Oh and about Ethan..." He trailed off, waiting for my answer but the problem was I had no idea who this Ethan person was!

"Who and what now?" I asked, my eyebrows furrowed in confusion from the unfamiliar name. I was sure I didn't any Ethans... I double checked my memory for an Ethan. Hmm... Nope.

Aaron sighed, I could almost imagine him facepalming at my question. "The person you so dearly despise." He explained, sounding like he was being careful. Probably because he didn't want me to explode and go assassin-mode on him.

"... Ah, I see." I clutched the cushion tighter, attempting to contain my anger as I found out the name of my worst enemy.

Ethan... Suits a jerk. Not that all Ethans were jerks!

"So...?" He pushed, wanting my answer. He sounded like he really wanted me to say yes. Oh geez, I sound like I'm answering to a wedding proposal aren't I? Well, I-I'm not! Ew, especially not with the Ethan bastard... Just-just shut up!

Well, it's just as important as a wedding proposal... No would mean I would be free but bored all the time, yet yes would mean being stuck with a stupid jerk, more jobs and a Hell of a lot of money.

Hmm... Money does make the world go round but I'd have to deal with the jerk. On the other hand, If I said no, I would have my freedom and everything I have now... No jerk.

Ugh! This isn't going to get any easier! Why'd he have to ask me? Why not someone else?! If he was doing this to annoy me, I will-

"Reaper? Are you still there?" He piped up after a few minutes of silence. He interrupted my thoughts! Now I have to think all over again!

"I. Was. Thinking." Deep breaths, count to ten... Do not kill... Do not kill... Killing Aaron is bad. Bad!

"Ah... Sorry. Well, text me later, I need to go and do business-y stuff!" He almost shouted, hanging up before any words could come out of my mouth, well, I didn't even get any time to open my mouth! I will not kill him... Maybe later... Hm... Nope! No! Do not kill! Shut up brain! Don't make me kill people!

I made some weird sounds that sounded angry and annoyed. They kind of sounded like 'Grrrr mrph aaarrgghhghhh!' What?! I had had no idea what to say... Better something than nothing, right?

Okay, okay... Calm... I need to calm down! Then think about this logically. Hehe, logically is a funny word... Logically... Oh, shut up brain!

So... Let's make this easier for myself. My mind is telling me to say yes but my heart is telling me to say no... Mind over heart! That's how you survive in the real world! Proven by one of the songs I sung before... Hm... What was it called? Oh, yes, I remember! That's What You Get!

... Wait, what?! So, I'm going to say yes? Ugh, my brain's going to die... Rest in peace, brain...

I'm going crazy, aren't I?

Right at that moment, I happened to glance down at the untouched pizza box... Now going cold! No! Aaron distracted me and stopped me from eating my pizza! Well, I need to eat it!

I instantly got up, ran to the television set, put the Hunger Games DVD in the DVD player and ran back to the couch, grabbing the remote, turning on the television and opening the pizza box to reveal... Pizza! What else would there be? A multi coloured goat eating marshmallows? Pfft, not going to happen. Ever... I hope.

The movie started and I started grinning like a crazy person on Cocaine. What?! This is the best movie ever!

I took a bite of the pizza and munched on it, my eyes glued to the screen even though it was the only first few seconds in.

Why is Katniss's hair so perfect? It's never out of place! I want her hair! Well... It's a movie, so obviously it's always perfect, right? Ugh, I want to live in a movie then!


Huh? Another text? At this time? Why must the world hate me? Why? (Insert extremely sad face here.)

I picked up the dreaded device and slid my finger across the screen, unlocking the lock screen and clicking the notification that had popped up timing the bar at the top.

Aaron... Why was he so impatient? I made a mistake picking this as a job... Even if my uncle was a bastard.

'Pack right now. You'll be leaving at 4am in the morning. Go to the airport and you will be escorted to your plane from there. Have fun. xxx'

Ugh. Why so early?

°° °° °°

Please don't kill me! Dx I was sooooooooooooooo busy! I had literally no time to update due to projects and unfinished drawings and such. Sorry! College is really stressful and my dad is planning to take us over to France for Christmas. Did I mention I hate Christmas and I hate travelling? No? Well, I just did. Ugh! Please save me from life! I wanna sleep and never wake up! T^T Anyway, I'll update as soon as I can! I promise! I lie but I never break promises! That's a fact! XD Anyway, until next time~ Oh, and thank you for the 500+ reads!

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