The Girl With The Gun - Chapter Two

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The Girl With The Gun - Chapter Two

I waved at all the screeching fans with a fake smile, exiting the large stage and smoothing down the strapless red dress I was wearing.

Geez! I was going to lose my hearing at the age of twenty five if I wasn't careful! That would be terrible though. Well, let's hope these adoring 'fans' have a heart big enough to leave my hearing intact.

"Well, maybe not." I muttered as my eyes met with a crowd of, or well, a few hundred, fans outside a window. Was me walking really that interesting to watch? I wasn't exactly aware of that but I guess I had no say in this kind of situation. Oh well... At least they're not trying to pull off my hair right now.

I shivered at the past event which was only yesterday. I could've lost my hair if the limo was parked any further!

I hated this disguise of a 'weak girl who can't lift a finger'. Why was everybody so annoying? I'm so glad I haven't got any siblings or else they'd be dead by now.

I didn't realize I had almost passed my dressing room until I looked up from my thoughts. I took a step backwards and turned to face the door before opening it and entering the immaculate dressing room. Even the make-up things had been tidied away.

I suddenly panicked as I looked around for my handbag but relaxed as I saw that it was in the same place I had left it. I walked over to the long red corner sofa and got out make-up removing tools and a hair brush  before going over to the mirror.

Yes, it was one of those stereo typical ones with the lights all around it. I stared into the eyes of the girl in front of me.

Blue eyes, dark hair, pale skin, blank expression. That was me for I was no longer the forever smiling ten year old girl but the girl in the mirror was the eighteen year old me.

An evil angel.

That's what my boss called me when he first met me. It was not a convenient meeting for I had been beating up one of the many other assassins he controlled and he had to come to the rescue.

What?! The guy almost run me over with his car!

So therefore my code name became 'Reaper', although in the celebrity world I was known by 'Princess'. None of them being part of my real name.

No one knew my real name, except one person. That being myself. My parents were dead and had been for seven years, and I couldn't really change that so I learned to deal with it. I'm not heartless, just not weak and useless like some people and cry at things.

I ran my finger across the scar on the left side of my neck with a sigh before studying my knuckles on my right hand. They were still slightly swollen and red from earlier today when I punched the concrete tower. I had regretted it instantly but I guess anger gets the best of you sometimes and makes you do incredibly stupid things.

Well, let's look on the bright side - I've been through worse. Yeah, I normally looked at things negatively, glass-half-empty kind of way. I was a completely sadistic pessimist, have a problem? No? Good, thought so.

Today had been tiring, especially since I had to kill an extra person that I wasn't assigned to kill. This world was full of so much human trash that made anyone want to retch their guts out before killing all the... Trash.. I guess that's what me and others like me are here for, is it not?

After I had removed my make-up and took out all the terrifying hair pins that had pinned my hair up and poked my scalp uncomfortably, I picked out a black sweater with the words 'But first' on the back and 'Lemme Take A Selfie' on the front in blue writing, a pair of light blue skinny jeans and black pumps from the large closet. They were my idea of real clothes, and I'm sure many people would agree.

After I had changed into the more comfortable clothing, I got out my phone from my hand bag and checked it for the time since there was no clock in sight. They really do need to put one in here before the next time I come here.

The screen emitted a soft glow as I read the digital digits; 08:23 PM. At least I'd get more sleep than I normally did... Hopefully.

I pressed the 'Dialler' button and called my chauffer, Mark. He was only there for show and to transport me when the paparazzi were everywhere. I had my own car for more... Private jobs.

"Hello? Mark? Please can you pick me up?" I asked as soon as he answered.

"Of course, Miss. I'll be at the studio in fifteen minutes." I could hear him making his way towards the limo. He already knew where I was since I had texted him the address as soon as I had arrived here.

"Thank you." I simply answered before hanging up and putting my phone back before flopping on to the sofa.

I wasn't going to go outside now! I would get deaf and blinded! I sighed heavily and leaned my head back, closing my eyes briefly before opening them again and moving my gaze to the ceiling.

I really needed a break.

°° °° °°


Ta-da! ^_^ If I have any readers, thanks for reading this! You're the best! XD Anyways, vote if you like this and/or you're a fan of Panic! At The Disco. My favourite song is Miss Jackson! :D You should listen to it! It has a knife slash in it near the end that made me jump the first time I heard the song! X3

Comment also! :3

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