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Standing alone in the dark rain soaked road Nina tried to see where the man had gone. But there was no trace of him in either direction. The heavy down pour left very little visibility. She could barely see ten feet behind her own car. Lightening flashed and thunder cracked above head illuminating the world around her, but the loud rumbling sky frightened her, she hadn't expected the second startling BOOM that followed the lightening stretching across the black clouds.

An eerie feeling rushed over her as she realized that she was alone standing on a dark road in her sleepy town in the middle of the night. "Scary movies start like this. Fuck this. Not me, not today." She said aloud to herself, quickly turning back to get back to her car.

She scurried back ready to hop in the car until her foot hit something. She knelt down and picked up a brown leather wallet sitting in a puddle that had formed in a small pothole. Thunder clapped again causing her to leap and hurry into her car.

Nina slammed the door and immediately cranked up the heat in the car. The rain was cold and her teeth were starting to chatter. She opened the wallet, there was barely anything inside. $115 dollars in wet bills, a business card to the local motel, The Honeybee suites and a Driver License. That was it. No credit cards, no other business cards, no pictures of loved ones, no library card. Money, a license and a single business card to a rat trap motel.

Nina put the wallet into her hoodie pocket and started back down the road, driving much slower this time. Nina couldn't help the urge to circle the block, looking over her shoulder, each window and every mirror hoping to catch a shadow slinking off away from the scene of the accident. She gave up when she realized it was hopeless, she couldn't see anything. She headed down the main road to go home when she suddenly saw a male figure under a street lamp near the diner. The man was at least 20 yards away. Could it be him? Through the rain she couldn't see much but the silhouette was of a man with a long tailored coat, matched. The figured slipped into a diner. The amber glow of the sign above the diner was barley illuminated in the thick rain. 

	Taking a chance she did a quick U-turn hoping there was no police officer lurking in a back alley waiting to ticket her

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Taking a chance she did a quick U-turn hoping there was no police officer lurking in a back alley waiting to ticket her. Striking the curb with the front tire Nina winced but kept going. Quickly she pulled into the diner, there were only three cars parked in front. The windows were fogged around the edges, leaving only the center of the large panes with any real visibility.

Through the fog she saw the man walk across the windows. Still she was unsure if it was him, but the silhouette of the man had the same size, shape and clothing. Not many men around these parts wore such expensive looking trench coats.

Nina parked the car and took a quick moment to heat her shaky hands on the vent, but the air was barely warm. Cursing to herself she turned off the engine, took a deep breath, pulled her hood over her head and braced herself for the icy rain once more.

She flung the door open, dashed into the rain, letting out a loud squeal as the down pour struck her. The wind howled and pushed against her as she frantically ran up the steps of the diner. Nina screeched inside, coming to an abrupt stop, nearly slipping and falling backwards. Feeling like a Popsicle, she shivered cursing under her breath once more.

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