Balanced [Worrick/Reader/Nicolas]

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[Give this a listen while you read:]

Alex noticed it early on.

The way those boys seemed to almost bend to you. It was never a case of you taking advantage of them but in instances where they might have just waved off any one else, you were a priority.

Having a cup of coffee ready in the morning before you'd even woke.

The way they seemed to take turns escorting you home from work; even as you complained you could do it yourself. Though when did that ever stop the boys from doing as they pleased?

Alex found it almost amusing though. You couldn't walk yourself home but they would readily divulge information concerning their line of work to your open ears. Alex found it profoundly befuddling how they so obviously saw you as an equal; yet the smallest things you could do for yourself were things they seemed to almost insist upon doing.

Letting you swap between their rooms to spend the night in.

The night she watched you waltz right into Nicolas' room like it was no big deal certainly threw her for a loop, considering that had been the one place in the house she'd been banned from going. She remembered vividly the way Worick had flashed an amused grin at her seeing the worry pool in her eyes after the small man and yourself had disappeared behind the door.

"Don't worry. It's alright" he cooed; but that was exactly what confused her.

The way they'd let you collapse into their laps after a hard day of serving customers. Nicolas usually just watched you, giving a quick pat to your shoulder as you relaxed, making yourself at home, nuzzling your face into his leg. Watching the two of you interact had been the gateway into Alex feeling more at ease around the mysterious man.

If it was Worick's lap that you made a pillow of,  the man would play with your hair and be the ear listening to how your bones ached and how you were almost positive you had new blisters on top of the ones you already had.

"But what about you, Mr. Man?" you chuckled, grinning up at him. You would reach up to twirl strands of his long blond hair between your fingers; and he would grin back at you just as brightly.

You always seemed eager to return their affections.

She had seen you many times down stairs with Nicolas, pinning the soles of his feet to the ground so as to avoid him having to strap his feet to the chair. Sure, either methods worked just fine - but the deaf man seemed to almost prefer this one.

If there was anything to attest to that fact it would have to have been that one occasion.

Upon taking a precarious glance downstairs Alex saw the two of you, going about the normal routine. She watched as Nicolas hauled himself off the ground as quick as he possibly could crunch after crunch, your hands firmly strapped to his feet, holding him down.

At first she figured it was like any other time she'd caught the two of you. Until Nicolas laid down to rest... and she watched you slowly crawl on top of the heavily breathing man.

"Tuckered yourself out there, huh?"

Her eyes anchored to the scene as you leaned down to press a gentle kiss to the man's lips. The corners of his mouth folded up, showing off his toothy grin. Those strong arms rising up to wrap firmly around you and pull you flush against him.

Alex had hurriedly gone back to listening to the radio after witnessing that, praying for anything to distract herself. It wasn't that she was jealous, not at all, it was just so... unexpected. Then again, she was the new kid on the block.. maybe she just needed to adjust better.

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