Chance to Breathe [Theo/Reader]

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Trigger Warning: light hints of implied rape (not with Theo or the reader though, just to be clear.)


Fingers softly played along indents in the wrist, caressing over bite marks in a futile effort to soothe the throbbing pain. Each time your fingers glided over the wound, still hot and sore, you sucked in a breath - expecting the pain but almost unexpected all the same.

It seemed like each time hurt worse than the last and you had to wonder why you kept doing it, kept poking and prodding at the wound.

Maybe it was because you couldn't believe she had done it again. The sheer oddity of why you were still fucking here, taking care of her and her child after countless arguments and screaming matches. You glance over from your place on your chair, watching as your sister writhes about on the bed, mumbling out loud every curse she could wrap her tongue around.

You stayed to make sure she didn't hurt herself, didn't choke up on her own bile and suffocate in it.

Honestly, you were starting to think it might have been for the best if she did... but you didn't even want to begin to think about what it might do to Lissa.

Lissa, your niece. One of the last hopeful things in your world. The sweet child of your alcoholic sister.

Lissa wasn't planned... not even thought of.

In fact, she was conceived from a horrible, horrible accident.

You knew your sister loved her... but in her drunken rage that love was quickly replaced with hate, oh and what a child will believe.

Every night you spent, wafting between two rooms. Checking up on your sister and aiding Lissa through her horrible night terrors.

Sleep was like a dream to you.

- - - - - - - - -

You spent a few more hours, sitting in your chair, poking and prodding at your new wound, waiting for the sun to come up.

You'd have to do it all again that night.. but the morning of a new day brought with it a chance to breathe again.

You could see him.

- - - - - - - - - - -

Yawning, sleep deprived and weary you carefully make your way from your room, careful not to awaken the sleeping monster that had finally ceased her never ending banter with the silence of the bedroom.

You creep into Lissa's room, a wide smile on your face as you find she's already quietly dressing herself.

"Need any help, sweetie?" you whisper, kneeling beside her, fingers tangling in her short hair in an affectionate gesture.

"I"m almost done ____" she giggles quietly, trotting over to the bed to pull on her socks.

"I'll get your shoes then" you smile, crooking your thumb up at her.

She returns the gesture with a wide grin on her face.

- - - - - - - - - - - -

"We're going to Theo's first, right? Before you head off to the police station for work?" the excitement in your niece's eyes wasn't to be missed as she holds onto your hand tightly, almost skipping down the street.

"Doctor Theo's, Lissa. He's your instructor, remember?" it was a gentle reprimand, if a reprimand at all. "And yes, we are" you beam.

"Aww.... will I still have to call him Doctor Theo when you two get married?"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12, 2020 ⏰

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