Life Hurts but Nobody Hurts Jay Dawson-Halstead

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Antonio paced back and forth infront of the table in the bullpen. Jay had been gone for 3 hours and hadn't texted or called anyone. He knew something was wrong. Jay would have told him. That's when Voight brought up a box, it had a disk in it. They played it in the computer. Antonio almost vomited as Jay was beat. Him and Melissa stormed into the locker room. It didnt take long for the two to have guns loaded and to be geared up. The rest of the team followed them as they stormed out of the precinct. 5 vehicles and 15 people. They had 8 Intellegence workers and 7 patrol officers. Antonio was the first to be at the door. Him and Melissa would be breaching. He slammed through the door. The team scanned every room. He got to the last room and there was Jay barley alive with a gun to his head. He had his gun on the guy in a second.
Put the gun down, NOW. The 14ish boy dropped the gun. Jay slumped to the floor and Antonio was next to him instantly. Melissa cuffed the boy. Antonio stripped off his jacket and wrapped Jay in it.
Voight slammed on the gas as they sped to Chicago Med. Will had been informed to meet them outside. They zoomed in sirens blaring. Antonio sprinted in with Jay in his arms. He was shaking and sobbing into Antonio's chest.
Will made him put him down on a gurnee.
shouted Will as Antonii Rambled of everything that had happened.

Now alone with Will, Jay let out a sob
"Will the baby, I lost it didnt I"
Will had known Jay was pregnant. He snuck out and grabbed a portable ultrasound machine.
Oh My God, Jay looked at him and suddenly a small heart beat fluttered around the room.
Its Alive Big Bro.
At this words Jay let out a sob of relief, his baby had survived.
He needed to tell Antonio now.
But at the moment Will made him rest. The team could visit him in the morning.

Chicago PD-Jay Halstead and Antonio Dawson MpregWhere stories live. Discover now