
30 1 63

so uh

yeah it was all me


aka breadandbooty

aka bread&butter


dIdN't SeE tHaT cOmInG, hUh?

it was all a prank lol

also someone explain to euphoricgguk that i am BREANN and i'm not satan??? please??? rir's kinda being dumb rn so-

so no, this account was not hacked. it was all me, for a prank lmfao. i was bored so why not? pranks are fun

( pOsT sCrIpTuM: i'm not dumb i been knew that homeschoolers study okay i must get that across )

( pOsT sCrIpTuM tWo: also yes i put that message on hal's mb )

imagine we literally get hacked after this, watch everyone blame me SDJKFSGVHBH

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12, 2020 ⏰

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