Chapter seven - money money money.

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The Stolen Heart

Chapter seven.

The only slightly good thing about peter was that he was Munificent, and that wasn't the best quality someone could have anyway.

To make up for the fact he couldn't care less about my current heart problem, he brought me a snowglobe. It was personalised in a way that it had a dancing girl wearing a red snow dress with my name engraved in gold fancy writing. On my second night at the hospital he brought me a necklace with my name and a small Ruby in the A. On the third he got me a designer dress from an expensive shop I didn't care about. On the fourth and fifth he got me more pretty jewelery. On Saturday a giant teddy bear and by the time Sunday came I was ready to shout at him for taking up space in my hospital room with material items. That day I got a tiara, an actual tiara.

Presents were nice. But shining things will one day stop, things get broken, things dry out, things loose value, things don't mean anything when your life was on the line, things fade, tear, wear, smash, shatter, crumble, die. Peter tried to buy his way out of loving me. I could have all the money in the world but I'd never be happy, satisfied, complete. Advice from the girl who had everything: money doesn't matter, the love of money leads to destruction.

I was back at the begining. The beep, beep, beep of the heart monitor annoyed me endlessly, I was bored just itching for something to do.

I was staring at the tv with a deep frown settled into my face because it was stuck on the rubbish kids channels that only played old reruns of the smurfs. My eyes started drifting closed in sheer boredom until I was jolted up by hushed voices. I kept my eyes closed afraid it was someone I really wasn't bothered to talk to, like Peter.

After more hushed whispers I decided to see what was going on. Slowly, as if I was juat waking up, I opened one eye, and a small child stood there, a girl, wearing a hospital gown over her jeans and a scarf round her head. Her skin looked as if it used to be a radiant brown but was now more like dry, scratched chocolate but she made up for it with her bright smile.

"Hi." she grinned then turned to someone outside the door "Dyson! Your girlfriend is awake!" I flinched at the sudden loud tone coming from such a small girl.

Unexpectedly, instead of Dyson, four other children came in, most wearing hospital gowns and one with those tuby thingy that helped people breathe. They all crowded around my bed looking up at me with smiles as bright as the other girls. They were wonderful.

I was slightly scared at the small children at my bed but when Dyson came in holding a smaller child in his arms I felt better. Dyson fake glared at the first small girl "Amira didn't I tell you we had to be quiet for the other people here?" Amira just smiled sheepishly shrugging. She was too cute.

Dyson grinned brightly at me "They all wanted to see you"

A little blonde girl jumped up wildly "Yeah, we just had to see you because Dyson's always talking about you like every minute. Just now we past the cafeteria and Dyson said 'I wonder if Anna likes sandwiches'."

I giggled glancing at Dyson from the corner of my eyes "I do like sandwiches. My favourite sandwich is probably bacon and egg breakfast sandwich. But I don't eat bacon that often so maybe I should change that."

The little boy in Dyson's arms wriggled around as he started to talk "I like peanut butter but I'm not allowed to have that here because of the nuts hurting people."

Dyson sat down on the chair next to my bed and another child sat on the other. I somehow ended up with the little boy, Daniel, in my lap and Dyson had a different one. Some of the other children caught sight of my giant teddy bear and decided to play a game with it. Amira told me that she had cancer but it was getting better very quickly, and how much she missed her friends at school, and her old house, and her older brother. She asked me what I had.

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