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𝔹𝕖𝕟𝕛𝕒𝕞𝕚𝕟 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝔹𝕦𝕚𝕝𝕕𝕖𝕣

"Thanks for the help this morning Lily, You off to make sandwiches for your rounds later?" i asked wiping my forehead of sweat

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"Thanks for the help this morning Lily, You off to make sandwiches for your rounds later?" i asked wiping my forehead of sweat.

"Yeah  i'll be back a little later. You going to be in your usual sport, or are you going to make me do hide and seek?" i giggled as we walked away from the last enclosure we needed to visit today. All the animals have now had their food for today.

"Nope, same place as always. Catch you later" i smiled and waved as she walked away back to the jaguar to make the whole crew sandwiches.  I on the other hand have to make my rounds to see if everyone was okay.

"Robin where are you?" I asked into the walkie.

"Just outside of the Porcupine exhibit, Mr. Mee just went to get the poles for the fencing. Should be a good show" he replied.

"On my way" i stated quickly before sprinting to the enclosure, rounding the enclosure i came face to face with Robin and Wanda.

"Hey Wanda, how's it going?"

"Yeah really good Evelyn, just running the numbers of cost, you know how it is. Bet you're glad you don't have any financial worry anymore huh?" she stated.

I nodded "Yeah i guess, but that just means that Benjamin's money is going to start decreasing and he's only just started. We aren't even close to opening yet and there's still heaps to be done. I honestly don't know how long he'll last because after this...if he isn't able to pay..all these animals will have to be transferred to another zoo because i just used up the last of my dad's funds on this place" my face pulled into a saddened frown as i could feel myself becoming upset.

Don't cry Evelyn you have to be strong for yourself, your dad and the crew.

She smiled sympathetically.

"Now that, that sob story is over. When is Mr. Mee getting here, i want to see how he handles Penny and Lou." i giggled trying to lighten up the mood.

"Any minute now" Robin commented as he got back to building, Crystal passing him the correct screwdriver for the job.

Such a smart little Monkey. awh.

The sound of crunched boots crushed against gravel made me turn my head to see Benjamin carrying about 8 posts in his hands.

"Hey Benjamin, need a hand?" i called.

"Hey Evelyn, i think i'll be fine but thanks for the offer" he smiled as he waved his hand.  He opened the door to Penny and Lou's enclosure with a struggle, not at all surprised with those logs under his arm.

"Well see" i whispered under my breath as i leaned on the fencing, where's a box of popcorn when you need one.

"Hey guys! You are going to love your new enclosure" Benjamin stated to the Porcupines in a calm voice. At least he's off to a good start, communicating with the animals to get them used to your voice and presence.

Suddenly Benjamin dropped some of the wooden sticks causing Penny and Lou to get defensive and aggravated which resulted in them charging towards Mr. Mee. This caused Robin to look up and watch the fiasco.

Guess i spoke too soon...

i created a hissing sound which backed them off a little while Benjamin was shouting "Hey" repeatedly which didn't help but they luckily listened to me.

"Not bad, actually they're pretty docile" Mr. Mee said impressed.

"Not at night" Robin added smirking. Okay PG 13, even tho technically im 14 i didn't want to be present for this particular talk.

"Ah you like to get a little wild at night, huh? Get a little crazy" I pulled a face at Benjamin's choice of words, maybe next time ill bring my earphones so i don't have to listen to this and maybe not have to wash myself in holy water when i get back to the house.

"A little crazy nighttime for the-" Benjamin was cut off from using his 'baby voice' if you'll call it that by. Lou puffing up and running over to Mr. Mee. And this time he was angry so there was nothing i could do about it.

Nathan came rushing over as he stood next to me "What's going on?!" I ignored him as i was too concentrated on the scene that was happening before me.

"Run Ben-...Jamin!" i rushed forgetting to call him by his full name and not just Ben as i know he didn't like it. However with it being a stressful situation i think, he would have let it pass. As im sure that was the last thing on his mind.

"Oh!" Benjamin followed my advice however he dropped the logs and leapt over the fence as agile as a cat. Wow he has quick reflexes ill give him that.

Unfortunately for him he leapt straight into the thorny bushes and also on his ass, which would definitely leave a bruise in the morning. "Oh man!"

Robin and i went running round to Mr. Mee out of the bush, however before we could get there Benjamin lifted himself straight back up not without expressing his pain but laughing for...whatever reason...maybe he bumped his head?

"You okay Benjamin?" i asked placing my hand on his arm in concern. I didn't think it would escalate that far, i hope that Kelly doesn't have my head... let just keep it a secret from her..yeah good idea.

"Yeah im fine" He laughed it off as he brushed all the dirt and twigs off his clothes.

"Listen you're not talking to them correctly yet Boss. You've got to be real with them" Robin tried to comfort Benjamin, however he was having none of it.

Also i'll not let it get to me that Robin called Mr. Mee Boss...im watching you Robin...always watching....and your little Capuchin too!

WILD AT HEART ❀ 𝕎𝕖 𝔹𝕠𝕦𝕘𝕙𝕥 𝔸 ℤ𝕠𝕠 ❀ 𝙳𝚢𝚕𝚊𝚗 𝙼𝚎𝚎Where stories live. Discover now