Capter /8/

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Kuroko's (P.O.V):

Were are this idiot's... how long suld i whait for them..." Yo!" i heard Liam say as he walkt up to me whith he's suitcase and more bags "Hi..." i said angry as i look't at the time in my phone "Where are the others?" asked Liam as he look't araund and at the bags " The girl's are in the bathroom, some of the boys are god knows where and the some people are still not here." i said in frustreision "Hmm...well i saw Zaki buying some stuff in the store...and Tatsu whith Taka in the pharmacy buying some pills i guess for sickness...Mayu and Kasa buying some stuff as well and Ryō coming as for the others i don't know." said Liam as i almost paled " The flying it's abaut 38 minut's to start and the other's arent here still!?" u almost screamd that "Oh...well this is bad..." said Liam as he look't araund as well we saw the girl's coming back..."Heya were back!" said Sayuri as she smiled bright "Oh sorry were late." i heard Tatsuya say as i saw him whith Kasamatsu, Ryō,Haizaki,Mayuzumi,Takao and the rest off the team i sight aut of relief " It's ok....but now where are the other idiot's.." i said allmost whith venom...they all flincht as they backt away from i saw them finaly arive here...."Sorry were late.." they said whith sad smile but i culd sense theyre fear from mile away... "Ugh i have no time to yell at you people now...lets call the last member's to come and finaly go to aur fly." I said as i pulled aut my phone and starded calling aur lost member's....pick up...pick up!...after 7 time's off ringing he finaly pickt up..."Oh Hi Tetsu-" tryd to say Shige-kun but i cut him off "!?" I screamd whith venom evryone were shivering whith fear...and my response from the other line was silence..." Well we are whaiting for you at the front off the airplaine...where are you and the rest?" answerd Shige-kun as i callmd down " Ok..good,we will see you there." i said fast as i hang up...i turnd araund fast i saw them chating whith each-other..."Grap you're bag's,shut you're mauths and move!" I screamd as they huried to grab their belonging's and we started running for aur fly....i took us 5 minut's to get there..i saw the rest the look't panickt " Comon guys! Hurry up or we will miss aur fly!" screamd Shige-kun as we run in full speed...we look't araund for aur seet's...finally were ready to go..."Ugh tired." I heard Shige-kun say as he shat down next to me..." you did something big Shige-kun.." i said whith sarcasm...he look't really made me almost lauthg..."HEY! That's not true! I did-" tryd to say Shige-kun but i cut him off " All you did was sit araund and do nothing till we came." I said whith a smirk he then tryd to protest but faund nothing to say. " Now please shut you're mauth and let me read my book in peace." I said as i opend my book-novel and dipt into the story...after 6 minut's off my peace i heard arguing and yelling two sits bihind me..." what?!" I weaspeard hissed to my i turnd araund to look what coused the yelling...oh god no... Haizaki-kun and Kasametsu-kun are arguing and Ryō is trying to calm them down in which in resoult they are yelling at him too...ugh i feel amberessd abaut them.... Shige-kun was  looking bihind as well....he is...smiling!? " Why are you smiling idiot!? That is amberessing!" I hissed at him as i puffed my cheeks " But for me is kinda funny-" said Shige-kun till he was cut off by pillow hitting his face...ha! That's what you get " ok! Now i'm mad." said Shige-kun wile smiling angry..." Ugh there is no peace enywhere i go whith thease people." said Mayuzumi-kun whith he's eye's close but they were twiching " It's not that bad.. i guess?" said Takao-kun wile lauthing bihind he's hand..." Yeah sure, for you it can be funny but it wasnt you who got hit by a pillow in you're face when you were talking,it was me!" said Shige-kun angry...
Oh uh...not another one's who will start argue..."Both off you stop! I don't need another raoit starting right now." I said pissed as i hit their heads..." Oww...ok!"
They yelld by rubing their heads.
"Now,Be.quitet." i said angry as i shat down and closed my eye's.  .
When sudently...
They starded yelling again!
Narrator's (P.O.V):

And that day evryone in the plane had to close their ears because the WW3 was hapening right now....'WHEN WILL THEY STOP!?' evryone screamd in their minds as they cryd for mercy to the god...
Even the pilot was praying not to crash the airplane...
Well they all hoped..


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19, 2021 ⏰

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