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Raf slammed me against the bathroom door. His tongue dominated my mouth and his hands kept mine held above us. My breath was tight in my chest as I forced every ounce of air I had into his lungs. The moan escaping my throat reverberated into his chest and he ground his hips against mine.

A loud angry knock was at my back and shouting came from the other side of the door I was pressed against. "Hey! The bathrooms for shitting not fucking!"

Raf pulled away and gathered his breath. Each exhale brushing against my lower lip and chin. "Go in the women's bathroom Mal!"

"Like shit Kahale! This is a nice ass restaurant please don't fuck in the bathroom. It's not polite, especially if you're not paying for everyone."

I leaned my head back so now Raf's breaths were on my exposed throat and I could think without his lips so close. Raf ignored Mal and began to kiss my neck, up and down the space from my shirt collar to my jaw. I swallowed and his lips followed my Adam's apple, his bottom lip dragging up my throat, summoning another moan to chase its way out my mouth.

"Raf-" I was cut off as he licked along the edge of my jaw. It was like all the air had left the bathroom, and then Raf kissed me on the lips and seemed to give it back.
I distantly registered as Mal swore and his voice disappeared.
"Fuck- oh-"  Raf lifted a leg so the top of his thigh pressed into my crotch. I hissed, fighting another moan.

He hummed. A sound which sent electric excitement through every inch of me. Every. Inch.

"We- we shouldn't-" I tried.

"You're hard as an oak tree you can't go back out there until you- until I take care of it for you." One of his hands kept my own above my head while the other slid down my chest to the button of my jeans.

"You- on- did this- on purpose-" I was loosing my ability to talk with the teasing possibility of- another moan slipped my lips and Raf smiled.

"How was I supposed to know you'd react like that?"

I frowned, decided the day wouldn't differ much regardless of how this ended and that I would rather leave with everyone knowing some inkling of what had happened rather than what I wanted to happen being on display in my pants. I leaned down the few inches I stood above him and kissed him.
"Better get to work."

He had unzipped my dress slacks without my knowledge and now let them slide to my ankles. Sliding his hand into my boxers he wrapped greedy fingers around my cock sending shivers down my spine.

"I thought you were going to blow me?" I said dumbly.

"You'd ruin my appetite." He retorted, the thought stole my breath a little.

"Oh right."

Raf smiled and kissed me. "I love when you look like that."

I didn't know what he meant by that but I couldn't think on it when his hand started moving. My self control was at an all time low as Raf coerced the most embarrassing whining weak moan I'd ever heard.

"Fuck- ah-Raf-"

There wasn't an actual way I could describe how or what he was doing to me but whatever it was had me weak at the knees. The only thing keeping me up was the arm Raf had removed from my hands to pin one hip to the door. He picked up the pace and I had to bite my hand to keep anything else from leaving my lips.

A loud banging on the door had my mind reeling in confusion. Half stuck in the bliss of Raf getting me off and half trying to cope with the fact that we were in a public bathroom. "Hey! What's taking so long in there? You aren't the only one who needs to piss you know!"

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