New day

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Emprage high-school. What a fucking delight to be here for sophomore year, and i will start this year off right, by making a heathers reference. I cant help but see these people who i have known/seen my whole life and i cant help but think, what happen? I'm joking, i know absolutely no one... except Remy. See, i just moved to {is it Florida? Im going with Florida} Florida with my mom and stepdad because my parents found better work options over here. Frankly i dont like it already. First i cant use my "Im cold" excuse anymore because it's fucking hot [my mom dosent like me wearing sweatshirts everyday.] second its fucking hot.  And third its new, i dont like new. Back in Massachusetts i lived in a small area where almost everyone new everyone. I knew every one in my school since we grew up together. And it wasn't  hot. 

The bus stops, i get off  and I'm greeted with miss timberland, one of the counselors i met in the summer to discuss my, anxiety issue. "Virgil! Good morning!"

I sigh, eyes closed and fake a smile under my mask. walking over to her, "good morning miss timberland." She nudges her head toward the school, I'm assuming that means to follow her, so i do. 

We make our way into the school we're Im greeted with  stares and whispers, what a great way to start a year. I keep my head down and follow miss timberland. She brings us to the office, i know for a fact that i wasn't assigned a home room, which I'm not sure why and i think I'm getting my schedule. "Virgil, this is mr. Berry he's your principle." I look up to see a man well over his twenties. He looks strict and stern. His hair is black its nicely swooped back with jell. He's wearing rectangular glasses with a thin frame. He's also in a suit and tie. "Hello  mr. Hansen" he said in a low serious voice, he's fucking intimidating as hell. I extends his hand out to me And i take it and we shake hands, "hello" i say. After a moment a boy walks into the room he looked very similar to mr. Berry  but he looked about my age. He had the same hair and eyes, he was much paler, and he wore a black button up polo with a blue and black striped tie. "This is my son, logan." Mr. Berry starts to explain, "he'll help you get where your going." I nod my head.[v's classes are; art, algebra, writing, forensic science, And *******]

 Logan was pretty helpful during the day. He was always around if i needed help to a class and he could tell me about the teachers (what there like.) it was nice. I walk around the corner with my headphones on my head (bend and snap from legally blonde was playing) teens where still staring at me, (probably judging and presuming Im a vampire) when suddenly a hand grabbed my shoulder. I flinched and turned around. I sighed in relief when it was just logan, "oh hey lo." He looks at me weird, "Lo?" He asks, "yeah, is that ok with you?" I took my headphones off at this point. " yes its fine i was just taken aback a little. Anyway the entire sophomore grade is heading to the same place right now so i thought I'd walk with you." I nod. 

Logan and i walk for a few minutes before he asks, "what are you listening to?" I forgot my headphones where still playing music. It was softly playing through my headphones just enough that i could kind of hear what was playing. "whatever is on my playlist" he looks at me with a 'seriously' (-_-) look. "What's specificity playing?" (Whatever i write is what will be playing in a few seconds as I'm writing this). I had to think about it for a second. Again the volume is low and the song started out quiet then i heard the chorus. "Panic Room by Au/Ra." (I mean i wishes it was out of character but i dont feel like switching it -_-) He nods an 'oh ok' nod.

We finally make it to our destination, the auditorium. [takes a second to dance to song playing...ok back to story] we walk in and [TherE mAY be VoiCes In my HeAd bUt NoW tHeRE just The NOrmal KinD— sorry] it's already crowded. My anxiety slightly picks up, but it's manageable. "Would you mind if you sat with me and my group since you, dont exactly have anyone else?" I shake my head no and we walk over to one other person sitting on there own. (I thought he said group?)  presuming they used he/him pronouns was a boy. He had curly blonde hair and a very welcoming smile. He wore a blue polo shirt and white overall-esk skirt decorated with cats, dogs, hearts, and cute things like that. He also wore glasses similar to Logan's but thinner and rounder. "Logan! Who's this?" He said. "This is virgil, virgil this is Patton."  He smiles and holds out his hand out. "Nice to meet ya' kiddo!" I nod and take his hand to shake. "Hey." 

The lights flickered and everyone got seated and quieted down.  i took the time to turn off my music, finally. I look over to logan quickly asking a question, "what class is this? it wasn't specificity mentioned in the schedule." He looks over and answers, "To be honest with you, virgil i dont quite know myself. Which reminds me, pat?" Patton looks over to longan tilting his head with a puppy dog-esk confused look. "Where is roman?" He asked. Who's roman? "He's sitting with his football friends right over there." Logan looked over to where Patton is pointing to And "oh's." Then the principle walks out on the stage.

"May i have everyone's attention!" He asks through a mic. Everyone goes silent for the most part. There are always thought few who dont stop. "Welcome to a new class we've created to better, you, the students on a particular subject. Now I'd like you all to meet your teacher for this class, Mr. Hyse" the likes go dark as the light on the stage flicker on and off with thunder in the background, i cant help but giggle about how extra this is already. A figure arrears in the middle of the stage and i already know what this class is about. 

"VAMPIRES!! Vampires are among us!" The man who I assume is Mr. Hyse dramatically shouts as he turns around in a vampire costume. Everyone in the room bursts out in laughter— if it was actually funny but actually no, No one bursted out in laughter we had a couple of snorts at how stupid it was but everyone Basically rolled there eyes or... looked at me, of course. the man does a complete 180 with his aditude. "Of course you must know this." He adds, "this class will be about vampires-" of course, "and how to identify them, protect yourselves against them, and the best part about this class is... theres no homework!"one person loudly said "woow" and everyone laughed. "As all of you should know vampires  are extremely dangerous creature and will take any chance to strike." This class is already becoming very prejudice. This will be a long three hours.

The class was finally over and it was launch. Thank goodness because i was hungry. Patton envied me to sit with him a Lo, i said sure and now Im not going to be able to eat. we were sitting at a table by ourselves talking. It was nice, pat is really sweet and Lo is funny, not on purpose, probably but he was entertaining to watch. "Hey kiddo i was wondering something?" Pat asks. "What is it?"  "Why do you always where that mask? Nothing against it i like it, im just curious." I shrug. "I don't know i just like it i guess." I was lying and i think pat caught on, but didn't ask further. A boy walked over to us. He had red-brow hair that was styled nicely (a little messy since he's been going through the day) his skin was tanned with bright green determined eyes that completed his face. He's wearing a red and white varsity jacket that had the letter R embroidered  on it. He was actually really hot, but i cant start crushing on him yet. "Hey guys," he says the the others then he looks at me. "Hello you must be new, I'm roman." He brings his hand out for me to grab, but its not a hand shake kind of hand out. I took it even though i was unsure. He bends down a kisses the back of my hand. I look at him confused and blushing a little, "hello, Prince Charming- wanna be." I say teasing a little.  

"He does that everyone" pat adds. "And yet have yet to get logan to let me." Princes adds. "What he wont let you?" I ask giggling a little looking at logan, he sighs and shakes his head. 

The rest of the day was pretty smooth, i ended having art with prince, writing with pat and prince, and algebra with Lo (help will always be appreciated) and before i knew it the first day of school was over. 

I am going to attempt to keep this story actually going til it's done. I hope y'all enjoyed it so far! See ya... hopefully.

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