Hunger driven

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Warning: blood and death

The ally way was dark, cold, and unforgiving. The blood fell onto the stone with ease. Her body lay cold and lifeless. Her eyes still with shock. A man looming above her dead body with guilt  and anger, for himself. He did not mean to take that much blood, but he needed it. Although he felt sorry he  also felt satisfied and full. His hunger for blood had been reduced and he could now more easily hide his true breed. 

His eyes which were once bright red faded back to his original bright green. His senses other than hunger where coming back to him. He blinked a couple times everything he had done faded in his memory. He did not remember anything clearly all he rally knew was their was a body in front of him. And he was the reason it was cold and lifeless. 

He took two shaky steps his head moving back and forth, wondering to himself what he had just done. He felt something dripping from his mouth. He took two fingers and took some from his chin. Blood. 

"Shit." He said, a little two loudly. He heard foot steps around the corner, "who said that" a males voice echoed around the corner. The boy silently gasped. He ran. His footsteps splashing loudly in the puddles from the resent shower. 

A police man ran to the ally way after hearing the footsteps. His flashlight pointing up. All he saw was a silhouette in the distance to far away to tell who it was. He pointed his flashlight down to check the area. He saw the dead body of a woman. After standing there in shock for a few minutes he grabbed his radio, not looking away from the body, "night patrol this is uh, officer hedge. We got a-a dead body in a near by ally way... over."

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