A New Friend

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Hey, you beautiful or handsome people! I'm finally back after a long break!!! I am so sorry for never updating I'll try my best to update as much as I can!!!

Question of the day:

What is your nationality?

I am Hmong (if any of you are interested in what that Is, go search up the Vietnam war)

Thank you for being so patient with me and always supporting me!!! I love all of you!!! ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

After Wendy has gotten more used to using her magic, she finally decided on what she wanted to use for her weapons training.

"I found how to put my new magic to use." The small girl had said one day at lunch.

"Hm? How?" Lucy asked as Natsu looked up from his food.

Happy and Carla didn't show up that day since they brought their own lunch with them. They've been doing that a lot recently.

"You guys know how a bullet is released from a gun or how an arrow is released from a bow?" Wendy asked, walking into the room again with a fork.

Natsu and Lucy nodded while eyeing the fork curiously.

"Watch this." Wendy easily compelled the fork to float up and fly around for a while before shooting it at a tree with blinding speed.

The duo looked in awe as they saw a branch break off not a second after Wendy shot the fork at it.

"Wendy you're improving so fast!" Lucy exclaimed as she high fived the girl.

"Lucy and I really need to catch up. We can't fall behind now that you're improving so fast." Natsu commented, ruffling her hair.

"Hey, you guys! Come quick!" The trio turned towards the voice of their companion and saw Happy flying towards them.

"What's wrong?" The blonde asked, sensing the concern laced with his voice.

"You'll know when we get there!" Happy replied, already flying back to where he came from.

The three looked at each other. Each giving the others a confused glance before leaping into the tree branches to follow the exceed.

They reached a clearing after a few minutes which they assumed was where Happy and Carla were training. There they saw Carla but she wasn't alone. Next to her lay a black dragon, the size of a house, with blood seeping at its side. Her ice-blue eyes were barely open.

"What happened? Why is there a dragon here? Aren't they all extinct or something?" Natsu asked as he jumped down with the two girls.

"That's what I thought but I guess not," Lucy replied, eyeing the dragon cautiously.

"Wendy! Please heal her!" They heard Happy plead.

Wendy nodded and ran to Carla who was trying to soothe the black creature.

"What exactly is going on? We need an explanation here." Lucy ordered as Wendy got to work.

"Carla and I have been keeping a little secret from you guys." Happy started.

"This is little? It's a DRAGON. This thing is humongous." Natsu said in awe.

"Why didn't you guys tell us sooner? You could've gotten seriously hurt. Not just you but your new friend could've and did get hurt." Lucy chided.

"Her name is Reina! And I found her. We became friends soon and she decided to help me and Carla with training so we accepted the offer. When we didn't see her today we went to her cave where she usually hides and found her with a wound. We told her that we had Wendy who could heal her but she insisted on getting to you guys instead of coming to her. She collapsed and the last option was to get you guys." Happy confessed all in one breath.

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