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It's been 2 days since they had arrived and both groups had reached the capital. Jellal also entered the palace already in disguise and memorized the layout of the building. They had 5 more days until the guild was drained of all their magic.

Jellal had met up with both groups separately and each given them their own role.

Lucy's group was to keep the king and his guards busy while Natsu's group destroyed the machine that would take the magic.

They would initiate the plan at night in 2 days.

"Nervous Lucy?" Erza asked causing Lucy to shake her head.

"I'm just worried about the others," Lucy replied as she stared at the stars from their balcony.

The group was staying in a hotel for tourists. Gajeel was in the room next to theirs and he was already dead asleep.

"Are you nervous?" Lucy asked Erza.

"Kind of... I've been in many fights before but this one depends on the lives of my family. If I make one mistake it's going to end in a disaster."

"Yeah, I know where you're coming from but look at the bright side. We have strong companions and we already went over the plan about a million times." Lucy said, trying to cheer the redhead up.

"You're right but I still doubt my abilities. What if I'm not capable enough?" Erza picked at her hands.

"Well let's go over the plan. We'll sneak in and start a fire from inside so that everyone will evacuate the building." Lucy stuck up one finger symbolizing step 1.

"Okay." Erza nodded her head, motioning to continue.

Lucy stuck up another finger for step 2," Then we'll start a fight from outside by attacking some soldiers."

"That's when Gray their group will sneak into the back and look for the machine," Erza added.

"And if we haven't destroyed the machine by the time the fire is put out we'll have the king captured and use him as hostage," Lucy concluded.

"Which will come in handy for Jellal since he's been undercover. He can act as if he came to save his father." Erza seemed less stressed by the time the last step was said.

"Exactly! And since Jellal says he knows how to turn our guild members back into their normal forms he'll do that while everything is going on." Erza nodded, contempt with the plan.

"I suppose we should get some sleep. We'll need it." Erza said.

Lucy nodded and the two went back to the room. They slept peacefully as they dreamed of getting their guild mates back and going home.

It was only the next morning that they were so rudely awakened by Gajeel.

"Oi! Get up! Jellal visited and he says we're doing the plan today! Some guards have started suspecting things and we need to put the plan in motion!" He yelled from the balcony.

Lucy and Erza woke up, startled as they looked at Gajeel.

"Gajeel? Why are you on the balcony?" Lucy asked while opening the doors to the balcony.

"You two didn't open the door for me so I had to improvise!" Gajeel huffed angrily.

"And what was that about the plan being today?" Erza questioned as she tied her hair up.

"Some guards are suspicious of Jellal so we have to act now." The man explained with an impatient face.

"Got it. Now wait for us outside while we dress." Lucy said, pushing him outside.

Gajeel gave a tiny 'tch' and rolled his eyes but let himself be pushed out of the hotel room.

"I guess this came quicker than expected." Lucy quickly put on her clothes and cloak while trying her hair up.

"Yeah, but the sooner we can do this the sooner we can go home." Erza stated with a smile.

"Ready Erza?" Erza nodded and the two left the room and met up with Gajeel who was angrily pacing back and forth in the lobby.

"Finally. Now where did Jellal say to go?" Gajeel looked at the map with a confused face.

"He said the back door of the castle should be unguarded so we can get in from there. We just have to get there without being noticed." Lucy stated and pulled her hood up over her face as they exited the hotel.

"I'm guessing you know the way Lucy?" Lucy nodded while leading the two into an alley.

"Yesterday I was looking at a map that Jellal gave me and it showed some back alleys that is rarely used. It leads to the back door if we know how to get there." Lucy explained.

"You better not be lying Bunny girl. If we get lost I'm blaming you for ruining the stupid plan." Gajeel growled, following Lucy and Erza.

"Gajeel have a bit of faith. And if you dont mind make sure no one is following us." Erza ordered.

The black-haired man gave a groan of protest but made sure they weren't being followed before meeting up with the two girls.

"We're clear. Jellal also said to go in whenever and that it would be better if it was sooner than later. He also wants it big enough to be  a signal for Wendy and the rest of them." Gajeel informed the two as they began walking again.

"Did he tell you a specific time?" Lucy asked.

"He just said to do it quick and make it big and loud." Gajeel shrugged.

"He must be in a big hurry then." Lucy nodded.

"We should get there fast then. Natsu doesn't like to wait. He might rush in before we even get there." Lucy said as she began sprinting towards the castle.

Erza and Gajeel followed closely behind her and reached the back door in no time.

"Now for the explosion." Erza and Gajeel pulled the doors open, revealing a staircase leading to an empty hallway.

"Where do you guys think we should make the fire?" Lucy asked as she rushed inside with the other two.

"Around the top floor so that everyone rushes outside." Erza replied.

"Alright then. From the information Jellal gave us, the castle has 10 floors and only 3 of them are underground. This floor is technically the 4th floor so we should go up 4 more flight of stairs." Lucy stated while leaping across the stairs.

Suddenly, a dark figure came from the stairs and stopped them in their tracks.

"Who are you?" The person, or more accurately cat, asked.

The three looked at each other with a conflicted expression. They didnt have time for a fight.

"Oi are you an exceed?" Gajeel asked with a smirk.

"What of it?" The big cat asked as he unsheathed his sword from behind him.

"Why don't you two leave this to me!" Gajeel exclaimed before pointing at the exceed," I like you! Become my exceed!"

"I will not become anyone's exceed." The cat replied with a growl before lunging at Gajeel.

Gajeel smiled and instantly transformed his arm into an iron club.

"I'll  be fine! Go with the plan!" Gajeel shouted to the two girls as he fought with the cat.

The girls nodded and continued their way to the 8th floor. Just one more flight of unbearably long stairs.

Once they got there Lucy let loose and exploded the entire floor with a fire dragon roar.

From outside, Natsu smirked and opened the doors the others at his side. The signal had been lit.

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