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As i always do on a wednesday morning, i trudged through the front doors to the sixth form building and placed my ear phones back in my ears to drown out the multiple sounds coming from the busy hallways. WSTR's Featherweight is currently playing, that song always reminds me of my mates. the amount of times me, Gee, Ray and Mikey had come back from a party and noticed that at least one of our phones was smashed up is unbelievable. i had psychology first which was okay, we were studying Zimbardos investigation into conformity to social rules. fun. i've always been good at psychology i guess it helps when you have some personal experience into things. i've had a semi shit life growing up, a lot of people probably wouldn't be able to cope with what i've been through but then i also know that so many people have it worse and have had it worse than me. i live with my mum, she's okay i guess. we both have our issues so when we clash we clash bad but most of the time we get along well together. my dads a different story but we won't get into that.

i took my place on my table which just happened to be as far away from everyone else as it possibly could be. only having 15 or so people in a class is great it means i get my own table to myself and i can spread all my work out as much as i want and have my music blast from my earphones as loud as i want and as much as i want. something was different today though. the teacher was late into the class room. i know i'm early, hey what can i say being early to your favourite class is better than being pushed into a canteen full of sweaty teenagers who still think it's funny to make yo momma jokes. just as all the other students came swanning in, our teacher, Ms Lungu, followed behind them and came straight up to me. i wasn't really paying attention to what she was saying especially over the wonderful voice of Sammy Clifford. that was until she tapped me on my shoulder to re gain my attention. it was at that point i realised it must be important. i removed my earphones and just looked at her, she knew i hated not being able to listen to music especially in such a busy environment so she better have a bloody good reason to do so.  "yes" i said with a clearly bothered attitude. "y/n we have someone knew joining our-"
"and that's supposed to matter to me because?" i said, still with a monotone and still evidently annoyed that i wasn't listening to music. "well as you know all the other tables are full up so he's going to have to come and sit with you". great. just great. she turned back to follow up her last sentence, "his names Frank by the way". he's probably gonna be another chav wearing an obnoxious nike tracksuit and have a terribly bleached perm. Ms Lungu just looked at me as to say cmon y/n give him a chance. i picked my earphones back up and continued listening to my music. by the time the earphones were back in my ear the song and changed to Slutgarden by Marilyn Manson. next thing i know a somewhat short boy placed himself in the seat opposite me. i say short, but compared to my 5"3 ass anyone is tall. i'd say he was about 5"6. as he slouched back in his seat his sleeves rolled up slightly to reveal multiple tattoos lacing both of his arms. at this point i was pretty much split in half. one part of me wanted to grab my stuff, walk out of class and proceed to chain smoke my way out of a panic attack that could very well come on due to the anticipation of social interaction with someone that i didn't know. the other half of me was happy. finally someone in my class who wasn't like everyone else. he had all black on, apart from the yellow laces in his doc martens. i had to laugh to myself in my head, yellow laces in doc martens, how original. whereas me on the other hand, i had a probably too baggy green and red flannel shirt on, some random band tee probably a Creeper one, light blue washed mom jeans and black filas.

it was half way through the class and as always i'd finished all my work before anyone else, i'd
pretty much studied this topic before so i mean why take my time when i can 'rush' my work and finish way before anyone else. all throughout my work i'd noticed the new boy staring at me. i couldn't tell what he was looking it, the odd tattoo of mine that was sticking out, the never ending spots on my face or my band tee. or my binder that was poking out of the top of my collar. i realised he was staring at my neck tattoo and trying to work out what it said. instead of making him suffer with trying to work out what it said i blurted out "i don't wanna be your friend i wanna kiss your neck"
"what" he replied semi shocked that the weird quiet kid had actually spoke. i just pointed at the inked words and got back to scrolling on my phone. his voice was nice. he sounded as if he'd chainsmoked 4 packs of fags and was just clinging onto the last remaining bit of vocalisation he had.

it was finally the end of class and before the teacher had time to give me our homework for the week i took my stuff and started immediately walking out the room. i could finally relax. as usual, i went back out the sixth form building doors, turned left and sat on the now damp, moss covered wall waiting for Mikey to bounce over along with his older brother Gerard, multiple slices of school canteen pizza in hand, with three fags in mine. it wasn't long before they came over, i attempted to smile whilst not allowing my half burnt out fag to fall out of my mouth. "so, how's the hell hole that's Ms Lungu's psych class" Gerard asked, clearly taking the piss. "oh yanno, who wouldn't wanna learn about social conformity and what things are seen as taboo. i mean me pretty much being the poster boy for defying social norms just makes it extra fun" i sarcastically exclaimed. it was true though, being a mentally ill, 'emo', tattoo covered trans guy wasn't exactly what a lot of people would call 'normal'. we sat in silence for a bit, scranning our pizza like this was the last bit of food we'd ever have, inhaling the tobacco smoke from our cigarettes like it was oxygen.
"oh hello, who's this then?" Mikey questioned whilst looking behind me, despite having heightened awareness about my surroundings i hadn't noticed the 5"6 boy standing behind me. i turned around sheepishly, "you forgot this" Frank said as he waved a bit of paper in my face. homework, pretty much the bane of my existence. "uh, thanks?" i responded. i started to turn around to face my friends again before Frank said something else; "i saw you smoking, have any of you got a light that works, mine ran out on the way to school earlier" i peered around my friendship group hoping either Mikey, Gee or Ray who had now joined us would offer up a lighter of their own to save me any more interaction with the boy. but nope. they seemed to hold back purely to force me into lending the kid a lighter. i fumbled through my bag and gave him one of the many lighters that i had gathered in the bottom of my bag "here, keep it" i didn't care that i had lost a lighter i just didn't wanna have to keep talking to him. he took the lighter out of my hands, gave me a half hearted smile and walked off.

as soon as my feet crossed the threshold of my room, i struggled with my binder trying to remove it off of my back as fast as possible just to speed up the time until i could collapse on my bed. it wasn't like i had a busy day, only three lessons, but the whole social thing just isn't my thing. i'm more of a sit in your room w loads of food, fags and music with my friends typa guy, oh and maybe the odd animal here and there. i mean the new kid seemed okay from what minimal interaction i had with him but was i seriously ready to venture into a new friendship? not really. as i let my duvet swallow me whole, i switched on the tv and fell asleep despite it only being 4:33pm, whilst Nev and Max we're trying to bust yet another catfish on my tv screen.


fuck knows how long i'd been asleep by the time i'd woken up, i dared to look at my phone incase i'd slept all through the night and it was time to return to the hell hole. luckily the universe was on my side for once and it was only around 22:00pm. great. another sleepless night and another night drowning my insides with monster. of course me being the obvious outsider i was i had to like one of the most disliked monster flavours ever, mango loco. i couldn't see what was wrong with it. i didn't feel as guilty binging on them considering they were like 50% juice. i guess the smells a bit rotten but oh well. could say the same thing about alcohol or coffee. i checked my phone to see if i had any messages and i didn't. well. apart from a few from the guys practically interrogating me about frank despite not knowing him that well, or at all for a matter of fact. my mum was fast asleep at this point so i grabbed my phone and messaged Gee and proposed the idea of a late night walk-and-smoke session as i could always rely on him to be awake at this point, we were both as nocturnal as each other. as my thumb hit send on my message to him i threw on a obviously dirty hoodie and made my way out the house with fags, a lighter and monster in my hand knowing it'd only be mere minuets before the sleep deprived teenager showed up at my house.
pretty much as soon as i sparked up a fag i heard someone cat calling me and looked up and there he was. Gee never made an effort with his appearance but that's what made him him yanno and it suited him. i could pretty much predict what he'd turn up in, as usual he was wearing some red chequered pyjama pants and an oversize plain black hoodie.

it wasn't long until we'd made it to the end of our third lap around the block, whether we had or not we'd both ran out of fags so it had to come to an end no matter what. we said our final goodbyes of the night as i made my way back into my house, up the stairs and evidently collapsed on my bed for the second time that'd day.


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