what lies hidden in our hearts

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A/n - i'm having some major writers block at the minute and i don't wanna publish any chapters that aren't perfect in my eyes so if there's a lack of them atm i'm v sorry :( but yeah anyways i hope you enjoy this chapter


after waking up with a pounding head ache i attempted to bury myself deeper into the bed and the pillow that i had been placed in. until i heard someone cough in the door way. i painfully turned my head around to look at what creature had made the noise to have my eyes meet with Franks. "morning pretty boy" he laughed, clearly admiring what awful state i was in. i pulled the bright yellow duvet cover above my head. "cmon i'm making breakfast"
"i'll carry you downstairs if i have to y/n" i weakly nodded my head into the pillow to yet again feel the warmth of his hands lift me up and put me over his shoulder. Frank always smelt like a mixture of coffee and cigarettes. a lot of people might see that as off putting but i liked it. it was Franks scent. it always made me feel comfortable. Frank slowly made his way downstairs trying not drop me on his way down. we reached the living room which was crowded. full of my friends. he placed me into the corner of the Way household sofa whilst laying a blanket over me. "so you two shagged yet?" Gerard exclaimed whilst stuffing his face which cereal. "Shut it Gerard" Frank replied.
"i can assure you i didn't sleep with Frankie Gee, i mean why would i when i was intoxicated i wouldn't be able to remember it which would be a total shame" i smirked back at him whilst putting my middle finger as far into Gees face as i could from the other side of the room. i could see Franks face turn bright red at my comment. almost as if someone had smeared him in red paint.

Franks POV
i finished chopping up a variety of fruit and placed them in a bowl, on a tray followed by some orange juice and a freshly baked croissant. i'm quite a chef/baker if i do say so myself. "here" i sat down next to y/n nervously, did he remember the two kisses we'd had? did he regret them? my nerves were put to rest when i saw y/n place the tray of food down on the coffee table and put his arms out to me making grabbing motions with his hands like a baby would when they wanted feeding, i opened my arms out and studied his ever nearing face as he laid his head down on to my chest. he reached out to grab a piece of banana before giving up as soon as his arm had left the comfort of the blanket "here" i repeated and grabbed a bit of banana and placed it in his mouth "thank you Frankie" he murmed with a mouth full of food, he moved his head back slightly and kissed my shoulder, to then re-place his head on my chest.

shortly after the rest of the boys had made their way over to the sofa Gerard started mimicking, now how to put this, intimate actions with his hands. he always did this. he always teased me and y/n. we were just friends. sadly. i couldn't tell whether the teasing upset y/n like it did me. i mean it didn't upset me because it was crude but more because i did want to be with him in every way possible. romantically, physically, whatever. i didn't care. i wanted him. i needed him. i liked him so so much. i cared about him. since meeting him on my first day of sixth form i've been intoxicated by him. he'd always intrigued me. it was strange how one boy could go from laughing his head of with his friends to being instantly quiet as soon as someone else was around. when we became closer that need and want to work him out grew into a need and want to look after him. he was fragile. he didn't like people knowing that but he was. even watching him pick at the skin around his nail bed when he was nervous broke me. he didn't do anything seriously bad any more though, he'd told me he hadn't in ages purely because it'd stop him getting tattoos in the future and like he will always tell me "when you want your whole body covered apart from face, feet, arse and junk you kinda can't be covered in scar tissue as well". he was beautiful in every way possible. the way he lit his fags to the way he wrote was perfect.

after spending pretty much the whole day at the Way household Frank had drove me back to my house as i wasn't really up for socialising that day. everyone apart from Ray had a banging hangover, i don't even know how much i'd drunk. even though i wasn't in the mood for socialising i was in the mood for bleaching and dying my hair. so that's what i did. i'd accumulated quite a spectacular supply of goods over the years, i had a never ending stock of latex gloves, a shit ton of bleach and enough hair dye to dye a whole city's worth of people's hair. yellow. bright neon yellow. that sounded like a good choice.

as i always would when id bleach my hair i'd move everything that was on my floor in front of my mirror away and more than likely end up creating an even larger mound of mess just in a different area of my room, get changed into bleach stained clothes, gather all my supplies and sit down in front of my mirror. luckily for me i take care of my hair colour quite well so i don't need to frequently re-colour my hair. that plus the intense level of bleach (40 volume to be exact) made a lovely concoction for being able to easily remove colour. considering i was going yellow i didn't need to lift my hair to white which saved me a lot of effort. most people would think i was crazy for using 40 volume but i have a high pain tolerance and my scalps used to it by now so i wasn't fazed. before i began the bleaching and colouring progress i pulled out my phone and messaged frank

( your messages, franks messages )
i'm probably just gonna have a self care day/evening so pls don't panic if i don't reply <3
mkay pretty boy, i hope you don't feel too rough still, i know me and the guys do :)
feel better soon, mwah

i set my phone down on the floor, connected it to my speaker and put my 'Your Top Songs og 2018' playlist on. the first song on was Try Hard by 5SOS, an absolute banger if i do say so myself.

after what seemed like years (more likely only 3ish hours) my hair was no longer blue but a neon, luminous yellow. by this point it was around 6pm. times like this i felt as if i could actually admire my appearance. my now somewhat wavy, yellow hair fell in front of my eyes as i waited for it to dry and consequently shrivel up a bit to allow me to actually see. i changed into my skeleton onesie and made my way into the kitchen. "oh hi mum"
"hi sweetie, oo i like the hair. i making some mac and cheese dyou want some?"
"sorry is this my mum talking? of course i want some, do you even need to ask that" she laughed at me. pasta of all sorts was my guilty pleasure and it always had been. i sat at our dining room table with a bowl the size of my head full to the brim with pasta sat in front of me. my mums cooking was the best and i would fight anyone who disagreed with me.

after finishing my dinner i skipped up the stairs. my new hair seemed to give me a new lease of life as it always would when i'd change my appearance or even get a new tattoo. i grabbed my phone off the floor where itd been all evening and then flopped onto my bed

(your messages, franks messages)
so, the real question is, have you missed me?
pffft? me missing you? obviously not, i wouldn't even entertain the idea
yeye, whatcha doing?
watching netflix? hbu
nothing really just in my man cave lmao, whatcha watching i'm stuck for ideas
cupcake and dino:)
without me?:(

cupcake and dino was mine and Franks show, we'd always watch it together

i missed you sooo i thought it'd cheer me up which it has
fineee, guess i'll have to watch it now. what episode are you on?
just about to start snail score so hurry your ass up and get onto netflix
i am doing so now, but i'm tired so i might end up falling asleep :(
hey y/n?
yeah Frankie?
you're cute when your drunk, especially when you want me to kiss you;)
ahhh fff great way to make me all flustered Iero,,,
so you remember them then?
how could i not remember, they were v nice :)

with that i placed my phone on my bed side table and went to sleep.


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