Execute L.O.V.E Program

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-----------------------------------Chapter Start---------------------------------------------------------------------------

Your Perspective

Home at last! A day of salvaging at its end, I can finally kick back and relax. It's not that safe to go out anymore here. I might pack up and head to another place, now that bandits have been reported nearby. I look at the blue crystal in front of me, emanating a soft, blue glow that slightly brightens up the tent. If I recall its a core crystal, the type used to awaken Blades. I've also heard that those with no "potential" often suffer blood bursting from their body or something like that. But curiosity has the better of me so I might as well try and awaken it anyways. I head outside as to not destroy my tent in the events that it's a blade of giant stature.

You: Here we go. Let's hope I don't jinx it.

I put my hand over the Core Crystal and it begins to glow. Light begins to pour out of it and it glows so radiantly that it's hard to keep my eyes open. It fills the forest and I'm pretty sure that it's alerted the nearby town of Torigoth. When it finally dies down, I look to see that hey, I'm not dead or bleeding! In front of me stands a girl. She has white armor on her and carries two huge cannons? I'm not quite sure. Her eyes are closed and she remains motionless. I go to touch her and she suddenly activates. Purple light constructs appear all over her body and her eyes open.

KOS-MOS: Kosmos Obey Strategical Multiple Operation System. Active. All systems functional.

She looks at me and tilts her head.

KOS-MOS: Are you, my master?

She gets up in my face and inspects me. I take a step back in shock and raise my hands.

You: I guess you could say that. But please don't call me that.

KOS-MOS: Then what colloquial term may I refer to you as?

Colloquial term? I think she's asking form my name. I rub my head sheepishly.

You: My names, (Y/N). Nice to meet you, Kosmos.

KOS-MOS: KOS-MOS would like permission to inquire about the current location.

Kosmos speaks in a cute robotic voice. I tell her that we're in the woods near Torigoth of the Gormotti Province. She understands and then asks where I live.

You: I'm a bit of a nomad. I don't really have a permanent place to live. But I salvage so there is money to be found.

I chuckle lightly before a roar can be heard. My heard drops. No instead it sinks like an anchor. Its because I know that sound. It's a Meor Taos. They're wicked strong and I saw em take down a group of drivers last week. KOS-MOS sees my panic as I frantically start trying to pack my stuff.

KOS-MOS: Is something the matter, (Y/N)?

You: There is a really strong monster headed this way! We gotta hurry out quickly!

KOS-MOS: Scanning premises. Target acquired. Meor Taos, moderate size. Threat Level 76. Initiate termination protocol.

The poles extend out of Kosmos and her heels dig into the ground. The air begins to get warmer and I can practically feel the power Kosmos holds in the air. I really lucked out, didn't I? Kosmos turns to look at me/

KOS-MOS: I know that your fear levels are elevated but for your safety, please stay behind me.

I do so and I see the avian creature heading towards us. A visor goes over Kosmos and energy begins to emanate from the poles. The Meor is getting closer. Kosmos fires off several beams of energy that twist and wreath their way toward the Meor. Valuing its life, the Meor flees and the beams miss it deliberately, to hasten its fleeing. The poles retract and Kosmos turns to look at me. She puts her hands on my cheeks and stares into my eyes with those pink eyes of hers.

Execute L.O.V.E Program {KOS-MOS X Male! Reader}Where stories live. Discover now