Hello human beings this is a story time I guess..or just me talking bout random sheet.
Anyways so y'all know those stores Justice and Claire's? The ones that look like a unicorn kitty threw up in them.
Yeah your boy really likes going into these stores but I don't want do because I'm ftm trans so people are gonna think I'm a girl and it's gonna make me feel like crap because dysphoria.
I know most of y'all aren't gonna understand but thank God you don't because I wouldn't wish gender dysphoria on my worst enemy.
So I'mma tell y'all why I like these stores.
Umm they have these cute stuffed animals called beanie boos which I have a lot of and their all from Claire's.
This is what they look like and these are one of the ones I have.
I've found them at Claire's and Justice.
But that's not the only reason I like these stores.
It's because they have really cute rainbow everything.
This is off topic but when searching these pictures up it said in the caption 'Justice girls...' now that bothers me because we just need to stop gendering everything like when I see something I like but on the tag it says girls I don't buy it.
But gendering products is another rant for another chapter.
Back to what I saying I NEED these things in my life but like I was saying before I don't buy them because it says girls so it makes me feel like crap when I go in there but I'm also happy because stuff I like is in there.
Anygay that's my rant on why I like Justice and Claire's the next two chapters are gonna be about gendering products and hot topic I loaf y'all. - Love your pastel boy Jaxon
♡Random things about your pastel boy♡
Randomjust when I need to rant or share my opinion also bottomkoo97 made the cover