Dear Mom and Sonya

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Dear Mom and Sonya, I love you both so much I would do anything for you even though I don't act like it.

And I'm sorry for that.

I know that you say I can tell you anything and that you'll never leave me no matter what.

But I don't know if you'd love me for who I actually am.

What I'm trying to get at is that I'm a boy.

I've tried and tried so hard to be a girl for years but I just can't.

I'm sorry.

It's gotten to the point where I don't wanna get out of the bed in the morning because I know I'm Just gonna get misgendered.

My name is Jaxon and I know our dog's name is Jax but everyone at school already calls me that so it's too late now. (plus I really like the name

I'm sorry I'm not your daughter but I'm your son ethier way I'm still your kid.

I'll love you forever even if you don't accept me.

I don't wanna celebrate my birthday because you're gonna put my birth name on my cake.

And you're gonna call me the birthday girl.

It makes me really really upset when you use she/her pronouns or call me a girl or use my birth name.

I'm sorry.

- Love Jaxon.

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