By August_BlackHeart

10 4 0

Cc: SayNoToAbuse
It was originally posted there!!


You may be wondering why strangers are making a fuss about an abuse campaign when you have been through hell and back with no one to lend a helping hand...
When the pain was too much and you wanted to call it quits. When living was too much work.

Well, we may be strangers but some of us know what it's like to be abused. For our rights to be taken away from us. To feel scared even in the places where we are supposed to feel safe. When disgust, paranoia, anger and pain becomes our regular companion.

Some of us have been there and we are still fighting because we are SURVIVORS... We are SURVIVORS and it's time for you too, to stand up!!!

It might seem impossible to fight back. Difficult even because you think it will not change anything. But that's where you are wrong because you will...

You are no longer alone... You have me and the rest of my friends fighting for you, with you and by you.

The memories will haunt you but don't let it break you. Let it be a stepping stone for you to reach towards a better life. Let the rage and pain guide you for you are stronger than this.

What ever it is that you are going through is an experience. One you shouldn't have to gone through but life is unfair that way and you just have to fight through it. It won't be easy but you can do it!!!

It's time to take back what we have lost. Our pride, our dignity, our happiness and our respect. They may have won the battle but we will win the WAR!!!


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