The Train

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Draco shook his head as he shoved his hands into the pockets of his freshly pressed Hogwarts robes. He wasn't the only Ex death eater to be returning to school this year, but that didn't make it any bloody easier. He walked efficiently towards the train as it pulled up to the station, his long legs taking equally long strides. He flung himself into the train, then shifted into the first open car, settling into the plush seats. He had waited for his friends to file in behind him for quite some time before realising that the lot of them were too busy rotting in Azkaban to return to Hogwarts.

As the surrounding cars filled with students, his remained empty. It dawned on him that he was going to have to find new friends this year, but how the hell would he do that when everyone knows what he's done and he could barely find his socks this morning? His usual, structured neatness had turned into careless disarray after the war had ended.

A few minutes passed by in silence until Draco heard quite the commotion several cars behind him. A familiar flash of Gryffindor robes swept passed the window of his car, followed by a horde of squealing girls, and the next thing draco knew, the door swung open then shut just as quickly, the sound of the lock clicking following just behind it. The mob of girls peered in for a moment disappointedly before moving on. That was when Harry Potter turned breathlessly towards Draco, his eyes growing wide with realization.

"Malfoy." he spat.

"Potter." Draco replied as friendly as he could muster.


They sat in awkward silence for quite some time before Harry spoke up.

"Where are all your friends?" He asked shyly, peering over to draco with his head bowed.

"Azkaban" Draco answered shortly.

Harry looked as though he felt sorry for Draco, which caused anger to well up in the Slytherin's chest. He cast an icy glare in Potter's direction. Harry offered a gentle smile in return.

"Well I'm sure you can join us for meals then, if you want to, that is."

Draco felt a pang of... something at the green eyed boy's words. He had waited for this moment since he was rejected by The Boy Who Lived at the start of their first year at Hogwarts. He'd fantasized about rejecting the raven haired boy just the same, and to see the look on his self righteous face.

"I... um... sure. Potter." Draco said, inwardly cursing himself for the way he had stumbled over his words. Potter awkwardly nodded and redirected his attention back to the book he had cradled in his lap, and for a second, a small smile appeared on Draco's lips before disappearing, leaving his face to once again settle into icy coolness.

Hey guys! This is the first chapter of my newest story! I hope you love it as much as I do! Chapter 2 coming tomorrow! 💕💕💕

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