Dinner is served

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The train slowed to a stop and students were already filing out of the nearby cars, their shouts of joy pierced at Draco's ears. The two boys both gathered their belongings and exited the train, walking side by side silently until they heard a familiar female voice. Granger. A brilliant smile carved into Harry's lips as they embraced, the weasel following close behind her. Draco walked on, people surrounding him on all sides, but still he felt alone as ever.


Finally, everyone had gathered into the great hall for the sorting ceremony and once again, all four tables were filled with excited and chattering first years. Once the feast appeared in front of them, Draco's eyes flicked over to the Gryffindor table, where he was met by the eyes of Harry Potter who nodded sideways, as if to say 'Come on over.'

Draco took a deep breath before getting up from his seat, as many others were now as well. He made his way over to the Gryffindor table, nervously stroking the dark mark that scarred his milky white skin. He noticed that there was a rather large open seat between Potter and Longbottom, who laughed nervously as Draco sat down.

"Who invited the ferret?" Weasley said, sneering at the last word. Confusion and annoyance flashed in his eyes.

"Can it Weas-'' Draco growled before being cut off by Potter.

"I did." Potter said, raising his pointer finger in the air. Several of his friends stared at him in shock.

"Why?" Ron asked accusingly.

"Why not?"Harry said, matter of factly.

"It really is nice to see you Draco, you're looking much better."Granger said with a weary smile. Draco nodded once silently, remembering the state he had been in when the girl had last seen him. Cuts and bruises covered his body, his skin was almost translucent and he looked sickly from lack of sleep.

Draco's eyes focused on Neville, who was inching away from him, eyes fixed on the exposed dark mark on Draco's left arm. The blond yanked his sleeve down, suddenly feeling ashamed again. Ron ate as fast as fast as physically possible and shoved his plate away.

"I'll catch you guys later." he said through a mouthful of food, before hurrying off, robes fluttering behind him.

Draco sighed as he covered his face with his hand.Harry nudged him with his elbow.

"Don't worry, he'll come around." Harry said, his bright green eyes meeting Draco's cool mercury ones. Draco quickly looked away, unsure of why he had ever agreed to do this. He ate in silence as the Gryffindors talked excitedly amongst themselves.


After dinner, when everyone had gone back to their own common rooms, Draco sat by the fire, feeling the warmth of it on his face and neck, the flickering light casting angular shadows across Draco's face. He twirled his wand in one hand, with the hawthorne tip pressed into the end of a finger on the opposite hand. It was getting late enough that many of the other Slytherins had gone to bed already, and Draco was nearly alone in the neatly organized common room. He sat there for quite some time longer, and he wasn't quite sure what time it was when he went to bed, and he didn't bother to check. No need to worry himself when classes were starting tomorrow morning at 9 o'clock sharp.There was only one thing he was sure of that night, and that was that Potter's bright green eyes were the last thing that crept into his mind before fatigue and exhaustion yanked his body under for a dark, dreamless sleep. 


I hope you guys have enjoyed this chapter. part 3 will be coming tomorrow! please vote and comment! tell me what you think!

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