Uneasy feelings

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  Draco blinked into the inky blackness of the dormitories as his alarm went off at 8:00 am. He cast a wandless lumos and winced at the brightness that stabbed at his eyes, still clouded with sleep. He swung his feet over the edge of his bed and headed toward the showers, fresh clothes in hand. His unsocked toes freezing against the floor reminded him that he had once again forgotten the article in his trunk.

    He stepped into the shower and charmed his clothes to hang up right outside the safety and privacy of the curtain. He turned the water on and sighed as the hot water poured over his head and down his body. He made quick work of washing his hair, face and body before casting a wandless drying spell on himself and the shower floor. He reached out to grab his clothes and yanked them in. After dressing himself and combing his white blond hair into place, he left the shower room, stalking back to his dormitory barefoot, shoes in hand.


    Draco glanced nervously at his watch. It had been a gift from his mother during his fifth year at Hogwarts. It had a silver band and silver hands, and a face that was charmed to match whatever was going on in the sky above him. Little droplets of water splashed up at the face from under the glass. It was raining today and draco was running late. He shuffled into the door of his potions class just mere moments before the bell rang. Everyone had already paired up into the duel desks that were set up across the tightly packed and unkempt classroom. There was one pair of desks left, right next to the identical set that held Potter and Granger. Lovely. He sat the the twin desks without a partner and pulled out a quill and a roll of parchment.

     The new potions professor went on and on, gushing about how it was going to be such a great year, but draco couldn't focus. He felt eyes on him and he could have sworn that he saw Potter looking at him from the corner of his vision. He turned his head in that direction and met those sea green eyes, holding the gaze for a moment before both men snapped their heads back down to their desks.

    Draco was usually cool in his composure when unprovoked, but today he was restless, his left leg tapping away in a mindless rhythm and his signature stick straight posture was marred by the lazy way he leaned back in his chair, long legs stretched out beyond the boundaries of his desk. He charmed his quill to scratch down notes before slipping into an uninterested, thoughtless daze.


    The bell rang and snapped Draco out of his trance. He came back to reality at the sound of students packing their things. With a wave of his hand, the desk before him cleared and the items that were once on it jumped eagerly into Draco's bookbag. He caught Potter's astonished look and felt heat rise to his pale cheeks as he rushed out the door. Draco had gotten so used to using wandless magic that he had forgotten that not many people his age could do it, But when Potter had disarmed him and taken his wand during the war, he had no choice but to learn wordless charms and spells before the long awaited return of the wand with the unicorn hair core.

    Draco smirked a bit at the knowledge that he had impressed the savior, and before he could stop it, a shining smile shaped his lips as he remembered Potter's invitation to share dinner at the Gryffindor table with him and his closest friends.

hey guys! Next chapter will be up tomorrow! I'm so excited for you guys to see where this is going! 💕💕
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