The Night Before

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To Stay in a dark place because it is comfortable
Is like staying with a dark root tied to the Soul
Like a hair stuck in place within your locs
And it's a struggle to release it
But as hard as the tangles are
You still love it so you let it rest
And letting a dark root rest
Uproots a dark root seed
And now with turmoil and endless pain and doubt
You see no way in succeed
To release baggage takes gratitude
But so does effort
And if you don't take your throne
Don't get haughty with the next starseed
You let them

I closed my journal and looked out my window with buckets of rain. Damn. And I had plans today. Now I have no choice but to think about that guy. Im telling you this mystery "brother" has been on my mind since cafe day. I decided music would do. It's what we all do to escape right?? Thankfully, celebs are here to entertain us with their bullshit for now. As Chris Brown sang Heat I sighed in heat. The crazy part was all that shit he talked and mot once I got his name. So I got a crush on wierdo. Now what?? A brown owl took its place in front of my window. "Don't even say Hoot. You do I'm out this bitch." It must be a dope mind Reader cause it turned away. I remember the love of bean bags. And thought having one would make my night. When I tapped the phone I see I had another message from Lorenzo. See, we talk off and on. But I'm no fool. Lorenzo love vagina, and I love penis, and he just crumble the walls when I need it. But now I'm getting turned off by him. He went from understanding, to overly clingy, to selfish. Now I'm trying to leave his ass. It's crazy how your dream guy turns into creep guy isn't it? Fatal Attraction. Side Macaroni. "Hello?" "So you don't know a nigga now?" "No not that, I just don't want one at the moment." "Ight then. Holler back." "Yep." I deleted his number after that. Wack ass head anyhow. I giggled at the timeline on Facebook and listened to music in between. "Yashira." I jump out my bed quicker than grits. "The fuck?!" Nobody. No person. No animal. Nothing. Shit maybe not even Casper. I shook my head. Meh. Maybe I just need some TLC and I ain't talking about the group. I reached into my trusty drawer and grabbed bright violet Aladdin. She was so magickal and took you on a trip. Literally. I got my lip at the wonders of this machine. "Hey shawty, you ready?" Vrrrrring Vrrrrring ! "Ugggggggggh!!! The fuck Zo?" "Damn, first meeting went wrong I see." My heart skipped 100 beats per minute. "Who is this?" That Voice. That fucking panty dropping voice was on my phone, talking to me, and I'm with Aladdin to?? Oh I'm going to sleep well tonight. I turned it on at mute, took him off speaker, and spoke as seductive as I can. "You don't know the half but, how'd you get my number?" "I came back to the cafe on my off day, Lucille said she knew you quite well." Ugh. Lucy Goosey. Shit this a moment I'm thankful for her overbearing self. "Is that Right?" "Yes Yashira, that's right." That Voice. Hmm. "Hey, this might sound off but, did you call me earlier?" "I wouldn't believe so." "Oh. Well I'm glad you called." "Are you now?" "Yes" "Well I'm glad I contacted you Yashira." Mmm Mm. Aladdin moved in and out my Yoni as he talked. I said short words and I was almost there until he said " Yashira, are... Are you.... Are you getting off and I'm not around to assist?" Oh Boy..... " I. ..uh"  " You right. Uh is the word considering that I called to get to know you and I'm meeting your special friend. I'm not mad about it, but you should have invited me over. Would make sense." "We don't know each other what sense would that Make?" "An exchange of energy that could benefit us both. Now you are about to orgasm and I am blue balls." Lolz. Well point made. "You still wanna visit?"  "No, it's past Now. We friends. " "Boy!!" "Any plans tomorrow?"  "Not as of yet. What you had in mind??" "Wanna go to the park? Just sit at some water and chill?" "The park ?" "Yeah..... Why not?" "The.... Park?" " Give it a chance." I giggled and looked at the owl for a minute. "Look, no murder scenes bruh." "It's just a park, you'll be fine." "Yeah Ok." "So I'll pick you up at ...."Eight cause I don't trust it." "See you then."  I should never do this with a stranger huh? I know better huh? I wanna be the white girl in the horror film. I'm going to be a idiot. Just for one time. He seems like a simple handsome man. What he gonna do? Right?

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14, 2020 ⏰

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